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  1. DekuNut

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    I'm sorry... I let you all down...
  2. DekuNut

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Look at how many posts were made about Sun Fan's initial refusal to claim. All that fluff that in the end doesn't matter and just artificially increases the length of the game. None of it is AI, none of it is helpful... As much as I hate having conversations on flavor, I've come to accept that...
  3. DekuNut

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Because if theres no more dancing around character choices then those conversations won't happen and we can get on with the game.
  4. DekuNut

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    I like how you ignored the entire middle section of my post between those two things where I explained how I got from A to B
  5. DekuNut

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    tbh I'm not loving this character conversation either. I'm not going to push that as a reason to lynch people... again... but I feel like we have better ways of spending our time. That said, I do like Minish's idea a lot. Even if I don't like the conversation focusing on character choice, if we...
  6. DekuNut

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Vote: Deku It is the only way
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