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  1. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Who did you check the night you died?
  2. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    GG everyone. Johnny and Tristan definitely put up a tough fight and made me unsure of a lot of stuff. And I couldn't get past the fact that SMS looked like he could be playing a distancing game with Johnny like me and him did in the Jojo game which got us the win. So sorry for suspecting you so...
  3. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Okay, I'm staying on Tristan. Hopefully this is the right choice.
  4. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Kinda wish maj was in effect before 24 hours so I could stop being paranoid. Lol.
  5. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    My thinking for the no lynch was that it would give me a chance to roleblock and you to heal someone. If the kill was blocked we would know there was no strongman left and could possibly figure it out. But I've kinda moved off the no lynch idea. I feel I'll just keep being super paranoid no...
  6. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    That's what I was thinking. But like with two of Doc's abilities, if he used them he couldn't use any abilities the next night. So it could be something like mafia could only use strongman every other night or something. I'm starting to lean more back towards Tristan for the extra vote on SMS...
  7. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Pretty sure last mafia is actually a JOAT role. Does SMS shade me and Doc for having JOAT roles because he knows he has one as well? Is he able to fakeclaim that well to funnier in neighbor chat? He did claim to give his bomb to Deku who was already dead and couldn't vouch. Hmmmm.
  8. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

  9. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    So that post was made under my thinking that of course Johnny was the double voter because 2 votes came up on SMS yesterday at eod. But then I realized that double voter wasn't in his flip description. So it seems that mafia has a vote they can place wherever they want but that makes me even...
  10. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Wait, or am I dumb??? I think I am. But I can't figure this out.
  11. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    ****, is this intentionally playing dumb or a town slip? I can't decide on who it is. Unvote
  12. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Okay case against Tristan - It makes sense funnier would have used his boomerang on Tristan the night before given his suspicion of him. He has felt a little too agreeable at times to me. Like maybe he knows who is town already because he is scum. Definitely seems like he tried to keep me on his...
  13. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    That's fair. Was just trying to think night actions if it came to it, but we should be good. Tbh, that's what I've thought. I felt like their play has been similar to when me and SMS were the only scum together in LG's game. Actually @HeroOfTime do you think we should no lynch today? I'm...
  14. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    If we're wrong about Tristan I'll just block SMS tonight and hope there's not a strongman still. And I'll yell at funnier if he's wrong and SMS wins the game from this. Vote: Tristan
  15. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Dang, I used my commute last night because I thought you might be on funnier. I thought about using my roleblock, but I wasn't sure if mafia still had a strongman to use and thought it would cause too much confusion if I used it but a kill still went through. Yeah, that's why I was asking. I...
  16. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    @Spiritual Mask Salesman did funnier tell you who he had targeted the previous night? @HeroOfTime who did you heal?
  17. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    What night action did they use? Strongman pierces roleblock.
  18. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    How did I lie? Lol. Nothing I said was a lie at all. I'm not playing some perfect wifom scum game, since everything that anyone has brought up against me has pretty much been wifom cases.
  19. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    How did I lie about being a JOAT? I definitely laid out my entire role. And did you not see the fact that mafia must have a strongman because even if I were mafia then Hero would be on Sunfan and he would be alive? If I were going to lie it would be a lot better than something that I knew would...
  20. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Yes, need more explanation when you get time pls. Well seeing as everyone who voted FG/me had a vote on someone day 1, that was my thinking. That it only shows on a hammer. Because I don't really think mafia would willingly choose to place an extra vote on FG/me when they both seemed like done...
  21. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Yeah, this is a good point and and why we have to risk lynching today. Mafia would just kill Hero or me anyways and leave everyone in the same spot. I just checked something. If we're thinking that someone is a double voter and that their vote counts twice (rather than someone can place a...
  22. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Or on Johnny. Though we all just kinda accepted that a green check on him meant he was godfather but it might have just been an actual town green check. However, with yesterday, I do think Johnny and SMS could be scumbuds based on the distancing they were doing.
  23. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    I really thought Doc was going to be mafia because of the whole roleblocker thing. I know that I'm gonna look bad now, but before people go crazy and start voting me just take a second and think. Why would I use my final smash on Doc if I were mafia and knew he was town? I would know that you...
  24. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    I'm usually a little suspicious that you're mafia when we're both still alive later in the game and I know that I'm town. Plus I did find you to be a bit odd but then figured it was just the neighbor thing. I only think it's you when there's a 3 person team. But it seems more likely it's only 2.
  25. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    With how many people still have some type of killing role in just their normal abilities, I think a 2 scum team is most likely. Since those people are also ones we're unsure about, so it's like at least one of them is scum.
  26. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Actually, that's fair and I didn't even think about that. But I still think I have shown myself to be townie this game. Just by my activity alone.
  27. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    I gotta say it's pretty funny that Doc asked why we would claim roleblocker after sunfan claimed to be roleblocked. And I said it would be to cast suspicion on me, and that's exactly what it's done. I called that ****.
  28. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Also, if Hero is doctoring and Sunfan copping, who are you proposing use the final smash then? Because they can't if they're using their abilities I'm assuming.
  29. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    My abilities are definitely flavor inspired so I dunno how they don't sound legit. And Rubik even said some people have less powerful roles. And even if I'm lying, y'all would know for sure after I used the Smash and lynch me tomorrow.
  30. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Cool, that was my thinking.
  31. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    @The Sun Fan if I get the smash do we wanna decide who you check? I don't want to kill someone only for you to check them as well.
  32. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Gotta say, I think I agree. Casts some suspicion on me when it looks like I'm going to receive the final smash. Might not make you look good, but it could've made me look bad enough to get another mafia member the final smash.
  33. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Okay, yeah so I kinda think Doc is lying about not using his roleblock and saved it to use on Sunfan last night. Because I know I didn't block anyone and there wouldn't be 3 roleblockers.
  34. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    I'm just gonna say now that I believe Hero and really don't want to target him. I didn't even before the claim but I knew that was unpopular. I have a target in mind, but don't want to say quite yet.
  35. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Yeah, honestly I'm kinda surprised I haven't been killed. But I've also been playing in a way that I thought might keep me around at least til now. Doc's could be super good, but he's also someone people find suspicious now so it'd be a little iffy to vote him. If people are going to vote...
  36. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    I'm assuming since other final smashes specify being able to kill regardless of protection, then I probably can't kill Johnny given he is godfather. Which sucks because I would've used it on him. Even if they have a strongman at least they won't be able to use any other abilties if I use my...
  37. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    I assume that's the case because we can't lynch today. So most will try to at least still give town a kill. Thought that might also be the case but haven't played enough Smash to remember.
  38. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Well they are neighbors because they're both Link.
  39. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    All good. Makes sense to ask since I didn't clarify I only started with one.
  40. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    I only started with one charge of ink. Couldn't do anything last night but gained a charge.
  41. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    I used my commute first night. Didn't want to die n1 knowing my Smash could be really useful. And thinking you were scum I definitely felt I might be a target. Which considering we had a SK and only 1 kill might have been possible.
  42. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    I don't mind claiming since I'm asking people to vote for me. I was considering it anyways. I have 3 different abilities. One is pretty much just like a fruit vendor. Just tells someone they've been splatted. The second is a roleblock. Third is basically a commute. But each ability takes a...
  43. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Mind saying who that one person is?
  44. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    That's one reason why I think mine would be good. I can roleblock all the mafia and perform a kill. No real risk except for, of course, choosing the wrong person to kill.
  45. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Haha, yeah I just posted that I was a big dumby with that post. But I don't think he would say so mafia couldn't somehow stop him. Or even town because someone might have thought he was mafia. I can assure that mafia can't mess with my final smash. Don't want to fully say what it is yet since...
  46. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Wait, it could have still worked that way. I dunno what I thought Alit's bulletproof had anything to do with it. This is what I get for posting as soon as I wake up. And it's possible mafia was blocked/someone healed. Because I think there were better options for the mafia kill than Alit...
  47. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    It says in the OP that we can paraphrase our abilities. But yeah, I'm not sure if that means final smash as well.
  48. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Sorry I wasn't around for eod, didn't expect that hammer. Anyways, I would like to propose that people vote for me to use my final smash. We obviously don't want to vote for someone who might be mafia and I think I'm pretty universally town read. My smash is also very strong for town and...
  49. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Oh wait that was his final smash. Disregard me.
  50. Morbid Minish

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Okay, so since Alit died but was bullet proof. But he also had the ability to kill someone and himself do we think he went after Johnny but Johnny is Godfather so he didn't die as well?
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