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  1. AncientPoe

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 640!

    I think it's just a very good unified whole. The world is big and open and forces you to engage in combat, and getting more skilled at navigation helps you avoid unwanted battles when you're near death. It also adds a lot of tension, which ups the stakes and makes things feel more vital. The...
  2. AncientPoe

    Now I don't remember either.

    Now I don't remember either.
  3. AncientPoe

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 618!

    Wow, zero other votes for Spirit Temple? Surprising.
  4. AncientPoe

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 618!

    This one was a toss-up for me, but I went with Spirit Temple because I figured Forest Temple was already gonna get a lot of love...
  5. AncientPoe

    Drawing Competition Round 54- Results

    Thank you very much to those who reached out, given my tendency to forget about these. Unfortunately, I was simply too swamped by work and life to have time for an entry. That being said, you did a wonderful job @DawningWinds !
  6. AncientPoe

    Drawing Competition Round 53- Results

    No, but I am sad to know that the month won't be the month of spoop.
  7. AncientPoe

    Drawing Competition Round 53- Results

    Oooohhh, October...
  8. AncientPoe

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 570!

    Cant remember what I voted for last time, but I'm going with 'yes' this time because that seems to be about the only way we'll get a regular Zelda title again. Don't get me wrong, Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom have been fun, but I'm very much ready for structured puzzles and linear...
  9. AncientPoe

    Drawing Competition Round 52- Results

    I think we were all too busy playing TotK.
  10. AncientPoe

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 560!

    Very interesting little factoid there @VikzeLink. Well, my opinion on that version sure hasn't changed, though I don't know what answer I picked back then.
  11. AncientPoe

    Drawing Competition Round 51 - Results

    Ah shoot. I forgot to submit one! Haha oh well. Got some great choices here.
  12. AncientPoe

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 550!

    The only time I ever look up something is if I have reason to believe the game itself has glitched and something isn't working right. The last time that happened was Skyward Sword. Unfortunately, the game had not glitched and it was just abysmal quest design that dun me in.
  13. AncientPoe

    Drawing Competition Round 50 - Results

    "Find the time" me: dies of wheezing laughter Nah dude I need weeks of lead up time for stuff like this. Plus, let me just tell you this month has been Something. Thanks for lookin out for me though.
  14. AncientPoe

    Drawing Competition Round 50 - Results

    Aaaaand I forgot again.
  15. AncientPoe

    Drawing Competition Round 49 - Results

    Aaaand I missed it again.
  16. AncientPoe

    Drawing Competition Round 49 - Results

    or stand... or roll off your bunk bed!
  17. AncientPoe

    Drawing Competition Round 48 - Results

    Wow what an incredible showing this time.
  18. AncientPoe

    Drawing Competition Round 48 - Results

    Well if I did that than my submission would be late now, wouldn't it?
  19. AncientPoe

    Drawing Competition Round 48 - Results

    Ok cool, thanks.
  20. AncientPoe

    Drawing Competition Round 48 - Results

    What time on Monday?
  21. AncientPoe

    Drawing Competition Round 48 - Results

    The deadline got extended to Monday, right?
  22. AncientPoe

    Drawing Competition Round 48 - Results

    No way. NO. WAY. NO WAAAAY. Ok this is freaky. Earlier today, I was working and randomly started thinking about the next drawing competition and I thought "wouldn't it be cool if you combined the end of summer/beach season with the start of spooky season and came up with 'deep sea horrors' as...
  23. AncientPoe

    ZD Writing Competition: Round 42 - Results

    When you do get 'round to some creative writing, what do you tend to write about?
  24. AncientPoe

    ZD Writing Competition: Round 42 - Results

    And what falls under the purview of professional writing, exactly?
  25. AncientPoe

    What do you wish Zelda did more of?

    Meh. I wouldn't care about media blackouts if the games came faster than ever 7 years. If main line titles came out every, I dunno.... 3-4? I'd be fine not hearing about them much in the meantime.
  26. AncientPoe

    What do you wish Zelda did more of?

    Releasing more games.
  27. AncientPoe

    Should Zelda games be more directly intertwined or still be self contained?

    I've always believed that one of the strengths of the series is the relative disconnect between the entries. I don't mind individual games being direct sequels, but I think the series would suffer as a whole if you tried to link them together to strongly. Also, that development model really...
  28. AncientPoe

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 525!

    Honestly, Link would be a good choice too. He seems like a chill dude. A chill dude with rockin' pajamas. Also, keep that snotkid away from me.
  29. AncientPoe

    Zelda 2 Misconceptions Debunked

    I'm here for all these delicious takes. But there's one thing I'll push back on, and that's the hints. Some are adequate, but some are poorly translated or simply don't work in English. Japanese characters are more efficient on old cartridge games since they can fit more Japanese text than...
  30. AncientPoe

    ZD Writing Competition: Round 42 - Results

    See, it's actually because I paid attention almost every day by checking back. That's why it didn't happen hahaha!
  31. AncientPoe

    ZD Writing Competition: Round 42 - Results

    Wait did I miss something? Wasn't the last competition a writing one?
  32. AncientPoe

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 524!

    I don't want to see any of them again. But I'll go with Lybranna because that was my least favorite game of those listed.
  33. AncientPoe

    ZD Writing Competition: Round 41 - Result

    Very interesting submissions this time, to be sure.
  34. AncientPoe

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 521!

    Ocarina of Time's river was a lot of fun to mess around in, swimming rapidly with the current and picking up Rupees always felt cool. Plus that's where I first learned that you can score some fairies as Young Link by playing the Song of Storms for a beansprout.
  35. AncientPoe

    Have you played through every mainline Zelda game yet?

    Yeah that stupid dance minigame, and the baseball one, were responsible for a lot of my "lost hit points" of patience before I dropped the game for good. They may not have been the straw that broke Link's back, but they could be called the ones that put me into the beepies zone.
  36. AncientPoe

    Have you played through every mainline Zelda game yet?

    Things just kept stacking up for me. I hated all the minigames, not one was fun to play. I love solving puzzles, but every task between each dungeon just felt so torturously directionless, and needlessly long. The end for me came somewhere in the process of getting into Jabu Jabu, and I just...
  37. AncientPoe

    Have you played through every mainline Zelda game yet?

    I have never touched Minish Cap, and I dropped Ages because it was boring me.
  38. AncientPoe

    If you were to make one game non canon...

    Destroy the concept of canon. Only games that should like are ones that are direct sequels of each other. So much time and discussion get wasted trying to track one timeline.
  39. AncientPoe

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 518!

    I'm not really gunning for her to be playable, but I'd like it if she was an active part of the adventure. I want her to be around and to talk and work with Link on things, in a similar way to Spirit Tracks. I think ST Zelda was probably just about the best version of her we've had so far.
  40. AncientPoe

    Drawing Competition Round 47 - Results

    I know they come around again. I just forget to check.
  41. AncientPoe

    Drawing Competition Round 47 - Results

    I have a unique knack for checking to see if there's an art competition right after the submissions are due.
  42. AncientPoe

    What is your favorite non-Master Sword blade?

    Think I'm gonna go Biggoron's Sword.
  43. AncientPoe

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 512!

    Unlike link from Ocarina of Time, I can never really return to the better days of my childhood. But when I hear that title theme, for a little while, I can...
  44. AncientPoe

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 511!

    Damnit, you're gonna put Adventure of Link and Ocarina of Time in the same poll, aren't you... Tough one between Majora's Mask and Wind Waker, one is a more jaunty and fun tune (a toon tune?), but the other one does an amazing job for setting the mood for what's to come, an important task...
  45. AncientPoe

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 503!

    Basically every single crew on this list were utter and complete failures, and Servo's crew pursued and captured an invisible ship and held it for like 1,000 years. This is the definition of 'no contest'.
  46. AncientPoe

    Which Zelda game featured your favorite gimmick?

    I think my answer that's easy at hand would be the Transformation Masks. Those were a lot of fun, and I remember screwing around with them for ages. I loved discovering all the little quirks about using them (most notably, what happens when Majora tries to grab and throw Zora Link), but I think...
  47. AncientPoe

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 502!

    Are we talking in general, or specifically the ones from the Oracle games?
  48. AncientPoe

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 501!

    Almost missed the weekly poll!
  49. AncientPoe

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 500!

    I can't even remember.
  50. AncientPoe

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 495!

    Kinda gonna need to go Magnet Gloves by default.
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