Definitely Saria.
OK, maybe i'm a little biased but Saria has always been one of my favorite characters. I love her character development, from Link's closest friend (and, ahem, having a little bit of a crush on him) to being (probably) the first Sage you rescue. It's always been a very poignant...
Turtle Rock (I really liked the creative use of the Cane of Somaria. Really makes you think. The boss is pretty cool too--kind of like Twinrova but a lot more dangerous. Only thing I don't like is the constant use of magic)
Palace of Winds. I love the constant flight and the creative...
i meant move on as in accept that it happened and that you probably can't do much about it. At some point you gotta stop trying to always get your way.
And this is directed at everyone in this argument. (Yes, everyone.)
Guys, just shut up and accept that things happen. Past is prologue, just move on and accept that someone made a mistake, instead of arguing about who made that mistake. This is a game thread not a $%&@ing argument thread
FIre Keese. especially in the Spirit Temple as a child and in Dodongo's Cavern since they can burn your Deku Shield, are really annoying because they'll just fly up to you randomly and be really annoying. You can just slash them after they hit you since they pause for a second, but Kokiri Sword...
Mario Bros. has no real blastzones, the enemies are really annoying, and it's clunky to fight on.
Here, i'll even give you a ranking. The worst stages are:
10. Big Battlefield (literally just a worse version of a good stage)
9. Jungle Japes (This. water. is. bad.)
8. Mushroomy Kingdom (why does...
Metroid Dread's whole intro and the "beat bosses, get your powers back" idea gives me so much nostalgia for Fusion. Although I didn't grow up playing the GBA (i came a few years late for that) it still remains one of my favorite consoles ever (after all, it does have my favorite Pokemon game...
Let's see...
Pokemon Emerald
Super Metroid
Link's Awakening
Ocarina of Time (but with three hearts and no deaths)
OoT Randomizer
Crusader Kings II
and a bunch of other games i never got around to finishing
maybe you should mention that noteflight's instrument choice is a bit lacking, but unless you're creating, like, a concert band piece it's not a big deal. I really love the site though, been using it for years. Also can we talk about how it refuses to transpose in the sheet music, so you end up...
that medal of honor only counts stone talus, not igneo talus. you can check here to see the talus locations, it's the button 6th from the bottom on the right.
is anyone gonna point out that the title should say "opened up your game hardware"
also fairly often tbh. as a tech-savvy person I always love staring at the circuitry of consoles, and my consoles go on the fritz more often than you might think. Amazing how you can pack an entire Nintendo...
So here's the thing:
He'll only give you the sword if you'll playing a linked file (aka, you've already beaten Ages and used the password from there to start a Seasons file). If it's a brand new file, then you can't get it until you beat Seasons, then linked an Ages file, then used the secret...
Unfortunately, you'll need to play Ages to get the Biggoron's Sword, because you need a Goron in Ages to give you a password that you tell to Biggoron.