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  1. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    The fake newspaper with my death was awesome
  2. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    I think its worth tho Esp if u set it up the whole way from the beginning
  3. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

  4. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Ezgame ezlife wasn't even close had funnier nailed to the wall this game AMA
  5. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    I'm a little bit checked out now, honestly Apologies in advance
  6. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    honestly, yeah It boils down to I'm more sure Minish is town than anyone else, including you (Not that I think you're mafia) Kinda think town already loses if Minish is mafia even if we kill Johnny with ur smash
  7. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    good someone's got to do it without Rubik around
  8. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Dang that theory actually makes a ton of sense
  9. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Look man u need to remind me of stuff 18 times for me to maybe remember it
  10. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    if there's one thing I'm absolutely sure of, its my own doofushood
  11. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    I greatly appreciate that if scum wins this game its partly because I am a doofus
  12. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    I'm betting the game that she isn't
  13. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    minish's smash also already allegedly roleblocks all the mafia
  14. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    I don't trust funnier to be telling the truth and I'm not a big fan of smashing johnny solely because he always dies as town and always lives as mafia I'd rather just trust minish to shoot whoever
  15. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    i'm probably fine losing to Minish if she's mafia and giving her a ovation if she is
  16. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    alright, funnier what's the team of 3 without you on it that's what I need from you at this point because I can't imagine a team of 3 without you anymore
  17. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    you think its a team of two?
  18. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    why do you townread tristan? do you just scumread other people more?
  19. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    what's your team of 3 wolves at this point?
  20. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    oh right, forgot about bulletproof I'm really stupid
  21. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    really funny if the team is tristan, johnny +1 "Didn't wanna use my ability it seems really weird" is something that perks my ears
  22. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    you'd always let me have it then over u
  23. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    if ur mafia, and you get a kill on top of your nightkill, then mafia would win come tomorrow by reaching 3-3 unless there's 2 mafia
  24. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    I'm fine with this, actually I'll hold off until Johnny claims though vote: unvote
  25. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    Sunfan seer Hero Doc SMS/funnier neighbors (SMS had a bomb and funnier has something else that SMS was supposed to explain but hasn't) minish JOAT Doc also JOAT u poisoner thing johnny ???? POE is very, very small at this point so room is running out for the mafia to hide I think hero's claim...
  26. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    weird if we were thinking the same thing tbh, I'll just go ahead and say I'm checking slothman tonight you can shoot funnier if you're feeling extra spicy
  27. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    I'll check between funnier and Tristan tonight you can shoot anyone else
  28. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    funnnier, johnny, doc the whole team (unless there's 2 mafia then one of them is town) vote: minish to get the smash ball glgl
  29. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    HARD one mafia between doc and minish imo since they're both claiming JOAT
  30. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    oh, right, godfather is immune or w/e I can only kill people I've successfully checked so I should never be given the smashball because Johnny is only ever the Godfather if he is a wolf
  31. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    I feel like unless my reads belong in the trash, that they would've strongmanned me last night
  32. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    there's too many "just kill someone or w/e" smashes and I know mine lets me kill people, but is very weak
  33. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    I don't believe both neighbors would have basically the same smash
  34. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    ah, gotcha, my bad
  35. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    and last night?
  36. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    hero, its time to claim I am the person who stands the most to lose and I am the one calling for the claim you need to say what you are and who you have targeted, if applicable
  37. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    who have you targeted any why
  38. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    she wasn't a wolf she was posting like she was town
  39. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    I understand that we cannot lynch someone today but given the numbers, the worst case scenario is that its 3 wolves versus 5 towns (assuming that there are no more third parties) a really good case for town is if there's only been 2 wolves this whole time, which could potentially make sense...
  40. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    the doctor, assuming one exists, should've always been guarding me last night so the wolves should've have a free kill into anyone they wanted and they killed the Miller? Why? His reads must be really good or something. I'll give them a look later today.
  41. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    don't wanna yet
  42. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    my final smash can let me kill specific people however, exactly one person fits this criteria we're not listening to funnier today btw he's not getting the smashball without a long essay that convinces me he's always town
  43. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    I guess I'll just tell the truth instead of try for anything fancy I tried to check herooftime last night and I was roleblocked
  44. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    I think that I can feel warm and fuzzy when I lynch funnier now fg is definitely flipping town given that she was hammered by a mysterious force
  45. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    hammer-role, godfather, roleblocker? probably the mafia roles
  46. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    welp inc town flip then
  47. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    its the best you don't even know
  48. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    already said that if fg flips town then I'm going to try to kill funnier as the reason for the switch back but I think I'm finally deadset this time without doc giving a really convincing roleclaim or something
  49. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    unvote vote: Doc
  50. The Sun Fan

    Super Smash Brother Mafia

    idk man I think I'd prefer to kill Doc here, Tristan I can't make up my mind so I'll just kill the lowest poster
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