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  1. Ayn Marx

    Possible Solutions to Global Warming.

    Being the massive issue that it is. If we got some of the worlds top scientists. Such as Bill Nye, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Steve Jobs (if he were still alive) or PZ Myers to discuss the extreme increase in temperature of the earth. What sort of solutions do you think they would come up with? Solar...
  2. Ayn Marx

    What Annoyed You Today?

    People. And warframe.
  3. Ayn Marx

    Which Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    STAND PROUD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPmL9d0wuKE
  4. Ayn Marx

    What is Your Mood at the Moment?

    Is tired an emotion cause im that
  5. Ayn Marx

    The UNOFFICIAL "What Did You Eat for Breakfast?" Thread

    A piece of toast on my way to school
  6. Ayn Marx

    What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

    Still warframe
  7. Ayn Marx

    Where Did You Get Your Username From?

    Sesame street
  8. Ayn Marx

    The Ultimate Martial Artist Tournament!

    Jackie chan Jet Li
  9. Ayn Marx

    The Ultimate Martial Artist Tournament!

    Bruce lee Jackie Chan
  10. Ayn Marx

    The Ultimate Martial Artist Tournament!

    Bruce Lee Rocky Marciano Jackie Chan Muhammed Ali
  11. Ayn Marx

    The Ultimate Martial Artist Tournament!

    E Battle = Bruce Lee F Battle = Miyamoto Musashi G Battle = Kazushi Sakaraba H Battle = Rocky Marciano I Battle = Manny Pacquiao J Battle = Jackie Chan K Battle = Jack Dempsey L Battle = Ip man
  12. Ayn Marx

    The Ultimate Martial Artist Tournament!

    A Battle = Morihei Ueshiba B Battle = Jean Claude Van damme C Battle = Royce Gracie D Battle = Jack Dempsey
  13. Ayn Marx

    The Ultimate Martial Artist Tournament!

    Jack Dempsey Morihei Ueshiba Michelle Yeoh Miyamoto Musashi Rocky Marciano Jackie Chan Bruce Lee Jean Claude Van Damme Muhammad Ali Huo Yuanjia Michael Jai White Kazushi Sakuraba Chuck Norris Gene LeBell Manny Pacquiao Anderson Silva Royce Gracie Steven Seagal Jet Li Ip Man I think thats all...
  14. Ayn Marx

    The Ultimate Martial Artist Tournament!

    Jack Dempsey Morihei Ueshiba Rocky Marciano Jackie Chan Jean Claude Van Damme
  15. Ayn Marx

    Oculus Rift Purchased by Facebook for $2 Billion

  16. Ayn Marx

    Post Your Favorite Song Lyrics

  17. Ayn Marx

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    How many candy bars is a bitcoin worth?
  18. Ayn Marx

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    no but it would probably be a lot less interesting.
  19. Ayn Marx

    What Are Some Bad Movies?

    I doubt anyone could make it through Birdemic Shock and terror
  20. Ayn Marx

    The Confession Thread *SERIOUS REPLIES*

    That is extremely rude and you should be ashamed of yourself.
  21. Ayn Marx

    Where Did You Get Your Username From?

    I wonder that myself
  22. Ayn Marx

    On Average, How Much Water Do You Consume a Day?

    I don't know how much you count from a water fountain at my job but quite a bit from that. At home I drink more tea then water. Then who knows how much from all the golden showers.
  23. Ayn Marx

    What is Your Favorite Online Flash Game?

    Epic Battle Fantasy series. Its fantastic. Play them on kongregate you wont regret it.
  24. Ayn Marx

    What's Your Favorite Movie?

    Since my comment which was making a joke about the dark knight which is on topic was also removed. My favorite movie is Hook.
  25. Ayn Marx

    What's Your Favorite Movie?

    This better not become a thing for me my favourite movie is Hook
  26. Ayn Marx

    Official Suggestions Thread

    I agree this issue needs to be addressed. I do not have any story to share though. But it has my support.
  27. Ayn Marx

    Which Anime Are You Currently Watching?

    Rewatching the Jojo's bizarre adventure anime to get ready for part 3 out in a month. And im watching kill la kill. And Detective conan.
  28. Ayn Marx

    Star Wars or Star Trek?

  29. Ayn Marx

    Strange Scientific Studies.

    What are some really strange government studies you've heard of for example. John Lilly was a nueroscientist who made several breakthroughs in sensory deprivation. What he also did was an experiment involving a woman a dolphin lsd and eventually handjobs. The experiment was to see if the newly...
  30. Ayn Marx

    Which Zelda Dungeoneer Would You Take to Prom?

    Axle The Beast <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
  31. Ayn Marx

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    "Why Atheism is saving america."
  32. Ayn Marx

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I'm starting to think that any opinion that differs from "Christianity is the one true religion" is automatically labeled as "spam" or "trolling". Almost as though people are angry that they don't agree with their specific world view.
  33. Ayn Marx

    The Confession Thread *SERIOUS REPLIES*

    ...like the anonymity of the internet is a good place to get some things off my chest. I waas born with two vulvas (female sex organ containing the ****** and clitoris and so on). One was fully functioning like normal girls' but the other was offset a few inches to my right side and was mostly...
  34. Ayn Marx

    Reviving Older Franchises

    How about another dark cloud game. I loved the old ones and a new one on ps4 would be amazing.
  35. Ayn Marx

    What Did You Do Today/What Are You Currently Doing?

    Im watching jojo's bizarre adventure right now and contemplating the mysteries of the universe love and life.
  36. Ayn Marx

    What is Your Favorite Type of Shoe?

    The horse kind. Horse shoes are best.
  37. Ayn Marx

    Stupid Thing You've Done Today Thread

    Doing my kids geometry homework.
  38. Ayn Marx

    Official Suggestions Thread

    More cupholders.
  39. Ayn Marx

    Do You Want to Have Kids One Day and how to raise them

    As big of a brood as my loins can squeeze out. I will squeeze as much welfare from the government as possible. They owe me.
  40. Ayn Marx

    Geometry or Algebra?

    Addition. Addition has always been the best form of maths.
  41. Ayn Marx

    Which Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    Roundabout-Yes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Tdu4uKSZ3M
  42. Ayn Marx

    What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

    I have been absolutely addicted to warframe lately. and im pretty sure its going to keep on dominating my focus for the foreseeable future. At least until planetside 2 comes to ps4.
  43. Ayn Marx


    Too vague I ended up making a Tesla coil and killed my cat. Poor scooter didn't have a chance.
  44. Ayn Marx

    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS

    Well damn, thanks fig.
  45. Ayn Marx

    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS

    Also does anyone have the music used in the megaman trailer? I can't find it anywhere.
  46. Ayn Marx


    I like Goldy locks beds, just right. Not too firm not too soft. Just enough to when I want to lay down im comfortable no matter which why i twist.
  47. Ayn Marx

    Shower Curtain or Shower Door?

    I prefer open air. It just feels, Liberating for some reason.
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