Wow, looking above, my post is really old and outdated. It is in dire need of an update:
10. Animal Crossing: City Folk
9. Final Fantasy X
8. Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
7. Quake
6. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
5. Assassin's Creed II
4. Goldeneye
3. Pokemon...
Well, as multiple other people here, I cannot choose just one, so I will go by system.
NES (I've played most of these on the VC.. Yes I suck)
Kirby's Adventure
Legend of Zelda
Super Mario Bros. 3
Punch Out
SNES (Same deal as NES)
A Link to the Past
Super Mario World
Kirby Super Star
OK.. I shall try this out. I'm terrible with putting things in order so.. Yeah.. Anyway, I'll give it a shot.
10. Doom 1/Quake 1
Two of the first games I ever played. They both deserve to be called the Grandfather of all FPS'. Quake was also the first game I ever beat by myself.
9. Left 4 Dead...