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  1. AwesomeLink86

    My Top 10 Moments. (From the Zelda Games I Have Actually Beaten)

    10. Getting Epona in OoT 9. Jumping across Gerudo valley with Epona in OoT 8. The Ending to TP 7. Getting the Fierce Diety's Mask in MM 6. The Revealing of Ghirahim's true form in SS 5. The Ending to OoT 4. Collin pushing Beth and saving her from being kidnapped in TP 3. Watching the...
  2. AwesomeLink86

    What is Your Favorite Zelda Item?

    I have always enjoyed Arrows and the Hookshot! :)
  3. AwesomeLink86

    Which Zelda Game Would You Live In?

    Skyward Sword :D (for all the reasons already stated)
  4. AwesomeLink86

    Which is the Scariest?

    I'm not sure if it's the ReDeads who stare at you and freeze you or the Wall Masters who fall from the ceiling to take you back to the beginning of the dungeon.
  5. AwesomeLink86

    Sky or Sea?

    SKY > SEA But IMO NEITHER > EITHER Both annoy me :P
  6. AwesomeLink86

    What's Your Favorite Zelda Game?

    A Link to the Past - A very awesome game and still the best 2D game IMO Ocarina of Time - Simply amazing, one of the best games ever Skyward Sword - Not perfect (needed a more streamlined map, more variety in the areas, and more stuff to do in the sky) but a very very good game nonetheless...
  7. AwesomeLink86

    Least Favorite Zelda Game

    Tough question - I'm not sure if I HATE any Zelda game but for me my choice has to be: The Wind Waker - It did have it's redeeming moments but the game felt "too" cartoony at times, TOO MUCH SAILING, the dungeons left a lot to be desired IMO, boring sidequests (IMO probably the worst), TOO MUCH...
  8. AwesomeLink86

    General Zelda Favorite Zelda Character

    Besides Link? The postman.
  9. AwesomeLink86

    Least Favorite Enemy?

    All electric and ice enemies. X(
  10. AwesomeLink86

    How Were You Introduced to Zelda?

    I was born in 1986 and I've been playing Zelda since I can remember. Since then I've played almost every Zelda game (except FS and FSA) and beaten them all except ST (which I lost :().
  11. AwesomeLink86

    Spoiler The Temple of Time and the Sacred Grove: Location, Location, Location.

    I believe it's fairly obvious the location of landmarks (not considering the provinces for a moment) have been retconned. Lake Hylia goes from the South East (ALttP) to the South West (OoT and TP), The Lost Woods goes from the North (ALttP) to the East (OoT). Zora's River/Waterfall and Death...
  12. AwesomeLink86

    Three-Branched Timeline Split Explanations

    Crisis of Infinite Hyrules maybe? ;) I read through a lot of the theories on this thread (can't be bothered to read them all). I really WANT to believe the tri-timeline theory. However, I can't seem to get behind it unless it's a separate universe altogether. 1) Some people have said that...
  13. AwesomeLink86

    Most Difficult Part

    The hardest part for me was the final boss.
  14. AwesomeLink86

    Which Silent Realm is the Hardest?

    Eldin Volcano for me. It was the only one I had to do over. Having to slide down the slope several times before I finally go both tears over there. All in all though, I actually found the Silent Realms to be easy.....a little too easy if you ask me.
  15. AwesomeLink86

    Is Skyward Sword Your New Favorite Zelda?

    Not sure but it comes pretty close. It's hard to say which of ALttP, OoT or SS is my absolute favorite. These three capture the best of Zelda IMO. TP is my fourth favorite.
  16. AwesomeLink86

    Is Fi the New Navi?

    I can conclude with a 96% certainty that Fi is more annoying than Navi. The other 4% is because Fi doesn't go Hey! Listen!
  17. AwesomeLink86

    Spoiler Temple of Time

    My theory is that the Sealed Temple becomes the new Temple of Time and the old one is lost in the desert somewhere. It would make sense since the location of the ToT in TP is in Faron.
  18. AwesomeLink86

    Ocarina of Time Are You a Personal Walkthrough?

    I've been playing Zelda all my life (yes even in diapers :D) and I actually relate to what you are saying. Nothing wrong with being obsessed, even if you know everything single thing about each game! ;) I'm the same way about ALttP and Ocarina of Time and I just about know where everything in...
  19. AwesomeLink86

    Mafia Round 3 (Game Thread)

    Who was the mafia in this game? Does anyone know?
  20. AwesomeLink86

    What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

    Goldeneye Wii and trying to figure out which Zelda game I should re-play through next.....I can't afford a 3ds right now :(
  21. AwesomeLink86

    Hardest Boss in the Whole Series

    Any boss from AoL Especially Thunderbird and Dark Link
  22. AwesomeLink86

    The Many Sequals to OoT; ALttP in the Timeline

    I still consider the FS trilogy to be a seperate universe. If it wasn't tough, this is a good point but IMO the "four sword" retcon in ALttP was merely just an easter egg and not to be taken seriously. That wasn't what confused me. It was what you said beforehand. It was very wordy. :P:lol...
  23. AwesomeLink86

    The Many Sequals to OoT; ALttP in the Timeline

    I misread what you said earlier. I thought you were saying Ganon was killed before ALttP. Anywho, personally I don't think death has stopped Ganon before. OoX? Yet is was "technically" split in both timelines. If you try to put ALttP in either timeline, ALttP's backstory is going to have to be...
  24. AwesomeLink86

    Modern or Classic Sonic?

    I voted for Classic Sonic but I like both.
  25. AwesomeLink86

    The Many Sequals to OoT; ALttP in the Timeline

    Except that in FSA, Ganon was sealed in the Four Sword not in the Sacred Realm/Dark World. Plus the backstory of Ganon was rewritten. Personally, I place the Four Swords trilogy (MC/FS/FSA) as a separate universe. This confuses me. :p
  26. AwesomeLink86

    What Kinds of Dungeons Do You NOT Want in SS?

    I don't mind the themes of the dungeons as long as they are fun to playthrough. Granted, TP had too much repetition of themes Forest, Fire, Water, but all those temples (minus probably the water temple) was fun to playthrough.
  27. AwesomeLink86


    I thought there were the same amount of dungeons for both OoT and TP? :S I say 5 pieces so that it's harder to get a heart container from the pieces and more exploring to find them.
  28. AwesomeLink86

    Which Link Do You Like Best?

    That's a toughie. Though I admit that Wind Waker link is probably the most expressive, I think I like the OoT Link the best. Design wise, I think that's the best Link has ever been.
  29. AwesomeLink86

    What Changes to the Series Would Ruin Zelda for You?

    Guns and spaceships and robots. And don't take away Link or the good music. Most everything else could either be changed or updated.
  30. AwesomeLink86

    Majora's Mask Majora`s Mask...seriously?

    There are parts that I loved about it, but there are things I hated about it. To me, it has one of the most boring playthroughs. The sidequests are somewhat fun and plentyful, but completing the main story to be is yawn worthy. The only temple I liked to playthrough was the last one, but I don't...
  31. AwesomeLink86

    The Many Sequals to OoT; ALttP in the Timeline

    I don't believe it ever says that the Ganon in ALttP was killed beforehand. The Triforce "thing" is a good point but it could be explained: The Triforce could have been split before hand in ALttP and Aghanim or another of Ganon's followers could have stolen it from their wielders and given it...
  32. AwesomeLink86

    Ocarina of Time Most Annoying Boss Not Including Ganondorf

    Morpha was extremely annoying, yet still fun.
  33. AwesomeLink86

    A Cool Idea for a Zelda Game

    Hmmm.....it would be interesting..... I always thought instead of a fighting game, maybe like a Medieval Olympic Sports game or something.
  34. AwesomeLink86

    Goddess of Time

    Just because there were 3 Goddesses that created Hyrule, doesn't mean that there can't be more Goddesses. I think the "fourth" Triforce found on the Hylian shield is just a design gimmick nothing more though. As for the Goddess of Time, I think it might be a 4th Goddess. Maybe one that rules...
  35. AwesomeLink86

    Ganon and Ganondorf Theories

    Because the creators of the game felt like they needed a gameplay change.
  36. AwesomeLink86

    The Many Sequals to OoT; ALttP in the Timeline

    So are you saying you think it happens before Wind Waker or in a completely separate universe?
  37. AwesomeLink86

    Twilight Princess Benzaie: Why Twilight Princess Sucks

    There is a certain point where there's not much open to you. But once you get to the Master Sword almost everything becomes open. It's worth the wait IMO. As far as the wolf segements go, some of them are a little tedious, but none of them felt "laborious". I had problems with how the wolf was...
  38. AwesomeLink86

    Rate the Siggy!

    8/10: Interesting but kind plain
  39. AwesomeLink86

    The Many Sequals to OoT; ALttP in the Timeline

    I actually like this and had thought about this before. This kinda goes in the "alternate universe" theory being that OoT-WW and OoT-ALttP are different universes. :lol: BTW, I edited the first post with Timeline charts added in.
  40. AwesomeLink86

    Twilight Princess Benzaie: Why Twilight Princess Sucks

    Ummm.....everything you just mentioned I disagree with 100%. The pacing was a little odd but never a problem, most Zelda games are linear besides the first, it had a lot of fun mechanics including the gameplay, sidequests, minigames, music wasn't the best but wasn't bad and the visual style is...
  41. AwesomeLink86

    Twilight Princess Benzaie: Why Twilight Princess Sucks

    Twilight Princess is one of my top 3 favorite Zelda games! I don't even want to watch the video because to me it just sounds like a biased rant. Why is Twilight Princess awesome? Here are my reasons in no particular order: 1) Extensive sidequests and exploration: One of my favorite...
  42. AwesomeLink86

    Ganon and Ganondorf Theories

    Is there a reason or any evidence for this theory?
  43. AwesomeLink86

    My Own Idea About the Hero's Shade

    You mean him: I didn't know that's what he was called. :embarrassed:
  44. AwesomeLink86

    My Own Idea About the Hero's Shade

    Hero's Shade?? What's that? Uhh.....the link to the past comic that you are referring was published by Nintendo Power and is not canon.
  45. AwesomeLink86

    The Many Sequals to OoT; ALttP in the Timeline

    I get the similarities but I wouldn't go so far to say they are the same. -The Dark World was the Sacred Realm twisted by Ganon's evil and the Twilight was just the power of the Twilight Realm covering the land of Hyrule -Renaldo seems like a guy in his 40s with black hair and dreadlocks and...
  46. AwesomeLink86

    Rating Mishap for Ocarina of Time?

    :xd: ............................
  47. AwesomeLink86

    What if Ganon Has Been a Puppet of a Dark God/Goddess All Along?

    Yeah, but it's friggin Ganon! :P:P I don't like the idea of Ganon being controlled because he's the ultimate villain. I mean he's practically a dark god himself. I would like to see though a dark power try to control him and fail. :) But I also agree we need a console Zelda game without Ganon...
  48. AwesomeLink86

    What Would You Say?

    I would just simply say it's an awesome game and you should play it! :P It's got Action, Adventure, Puzzles, Drama and sometimes but rarely Romance. :lol: If you want to know more just play it! :D
  49. AwesomeLink86

    The Many Sequals to OoT; ALttP in the Timeline

    For the SNES, ALttP was released as the third Zelda game. It told the story of a post-OoT Hyrule even before OoT was released. For the N64, OoT was released followed by a direct sequal MM. Then for the GC, WW was released as another sequal to OoT which created a possible contradiction in the...
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