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  1. Batman

    Pokemon Art True Pokemon MMO RPG Game - Absolutely Free Not Even Donation : Pokemon Pets

    fetish [fet-ish, fee-tish] /ˈfɛt ɪʃ, ˈfi tɪʃ/ noun 1. an object regarded with awe as being the embodiment or habitation of a potent spirit or as having magical potency. 2. any object, idea, etc., eliciting unquestioning reverence, respect, or devotion: to make a fetish of high grades. 3...
  2. Batman

    Pokemon Art True Pokemon MMO RPG Game - Absolutely Free Not Even Donation : Pokemon Pets

    It's very difficult learning a language well. I'm sure if I was learning Turkish I'd be the MonsterMMORPG of whatever Turkish forums you're on. And no, it's not bad. It's just odd, and that makes it cute.
  3. Batman

    Pokemon Art True Pokemon MMO RPG Game - Absolutely Free Not Even Donation : Pokemon Pets

    The way you write is just kind of cute. I like it.
  4. Batman

    Pokemon Art True Pokemon MMO RPG Game - Absolutely Free Not Even Donation : Pokemon Pets

    hi friend i am to wondering if the play is freeing becuz i am liking the shape in the game and i hope poikemon is more funner to your version so can give me any tips???
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