I DID NOT mean that Link should be able to indescriminately kill random people. Zelda games shouldn't be llike Assasin's Creed games. I meant, if you fight another person in a sword fight or something, and you defeat him, that's like killing him. And apparently that's a no-no. Which I think is...
Because I want to see this "can't kill people" rule done away with in Skyward Sword. That's why. Guess I forgot to mention that up there.
They colored the blood green for censorship purposes, just like in Ocarina of Time, which really pisses me off.
Ganondorf is a person, so then why can you kill him? In TP, I'm pretty sure Ganondorf died. So seriously.
Why is that even an issue? So what if you kill a person in a video game? It's a freaking GAME. It doesn't matter. If it's an issue of kids copying the behavior they see in the game...