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  • captain-america-punching-hitler-in-the-face.jpg
    Hey rep will you change my name to Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoo. Don't change it yet I just want to know if you'd be willing to do it.
    Rep, I sent you a PM about my sister, Bettsy18, wanting a name change. Haven't you seen it?
    Do you still Article Edit? I was wanting to get my Article done atleast within this month but JC is busy, or keeps forgetting to work with me... IDK. Anyway could you maybe help us out also?
    Well the cureent issue with the Article Center is the lack of writers. My solution is simply that if the writers don't come to us maybe we should go to them.

    My first idea is to set up Article Writing sign-ups (kind of like the Event Staff sign-ups from a month ago). Sign-ups won't give anyone the Article Writing rank, they will just give us an idea of how many people are actually interested and will be dedicated to the Article Center. In order to get the rank writers will need to complete the requirements Kieth set up last year.

    My other idea is to set up a team to “scout” (or search) the forum for interesting threads that can be converted into Articles. If the author of the thread seems like they could cooperate with Article Writing than he/she will be approached and asked if they'd like to get their thread converted into an Article via the Article Center.

    Both ideas are just rough ideas but I think they could definitely work to generate activity in the Article Center again. The way I see it at this point it probably wouldn't hurt just to try, right?

    So what are your thoughts?
    I was wondering. What computer languages do you find yourself using most often/are most comfortable with? :?
    PHP is easily my most used, was the first language I ever learned. Why do you ask?
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    Just wondering :) I've only learned a few languages so far in my courses. VBscript, Java, and I'm learning C++ right now.
    Oh that's neat, what languages do you like the most? I've done quite a bit of Java and dabbled a decent amount in C++ so feel free to ask me if you need any help.
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