"In my opinion, Skyward Sword was a very great game. In my all-time rankings, it places second, just a fraction of a point behind Ocarina of Time, but not because of nostalgia. When I change my game rankings, I always go back to the games on my list and break them down to every point why I liked that game and put it where I did. Overall, in my breakdown, Ocarina of Time did have more going for it than Skyward Sword, but it did come very close to knocking off OoT, let alone tying for first. And yes, OoT was my first true Zelda experience (although my first Zelda game WAS the first Zelda game (I still have my old NES and the original Zelda in it's shiny gold cartrage)), and I play it whenever I feel like it thanks to the Wii Virtual Console, but every game has to be judged not by what came before it or the highly annoying 'nostalgia goggles', but the game's own merits as its own game. That's why I have Skyward Sword ranked as high as I do."
THESE are then kind of comments I like to see. While I personally think SS outdid OoT, I enjoy seeing comments that show without a doubt that OoT isn't blinding someone with nostalgia. The OoT fanboy convention had a field day with how they were threatened by the wave of people even considering that SS could be the new best Zelda. Glad to know you aren't one of those crazies.