Many owls sleep during the day. I'd love to be one of them.
I fall under the group of owls who sleep at night because life won't let me sleep all day. Kind of like owls who are used to doing live shows or are in zoos. Lol
Lol I hear you about the lots of sleep.
I find that I need at least 5 hours to just function most of the day, albeit drowsily.
I need 8-10 to be at peak performance.
School seems to be going well, though I don't like having to get up by 6am to get ready and be at class by 9am.
I use the weekends to catch up on sleep. lol
I plan on it. It helps keep me sane. lol
There are some days my only strikes are just dumb luck; my best shots just don't seem to work on those days. lol
I managed to figure out how to solve a rubiks cube this past year. I used to have to look up instructions.
I'm not very fast though, I think 5 min is my fastest.
I haven't bowled much since the tournament in July. I placed 1106th out of close to 1500 in my division; well below the cut of 200 that went into the advancers.
I'm thinking about joining some youth/adult leagues when they start up this fall.