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  • 57fe766615f95a334ab02741b47bc1ce.jpg
    Have you watched the Haven finale yet?
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    Reactions: Vanessa28
    I'm not sure that the cycle would start again because Croatoan absorbed all the troubles before the barn took off, so maybe this time they're not tied to Audrey. It was a bit confusing on that point, I think.
    Yes the troubles are gone. But what I mean was that with this plan Audrey wouldn't be able to get out again. But obviously she was, in the shape of someone else. Plus the son they used to have: James. In a way the writers gave Nathan the chance to finally live his life with the woman he loves plus their son. But still it would be another woman and not the same Audrey he came to know and ove so well.
    For the headaches you could try running hot water over your head. Sometimes that helps me.
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    Reactions: Vanessa28
    I know! I love hot showers. I used to take aspirines a day for years but I quit doing that years ago. Fortunately today it has been alright :)
    The second half of the final season of Haven started up again last week! Have you seen any episodes yet?
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    Reactions: Vanessa28
    Oh yes!!!!! It's soooo good!! I refuse to believe Duke is joining Croatoan out of free will. We saw how he reacted when he was outside Haven. He came back to help. I think he has been brainwashed or maybe it is a duplicate. But Duke is not like this.
    Yeah, I agree with you. I think because the Crockers were made to do Croatoan's bidding, Duke's being controlled. For a while now I've been thinking though that Duke might have to die to save Haven. I think somehow, he's either going to sacrifice himself to stop Croatoan or absorb every trouble back into himself, jump into the new barn and explode inside of it.
    Yes something like that is going to happen. I think it's a very heroic ending for him if that happens. I feel bad for Vince now he no longer has his brother around him. Or they could end it with Audrey waking up and everything is a dream but I doubt that :P I can't wait for next episode!
    That's why it's important to take naps when you can. I find that taking a nap before class or working on stuff helps wake my brain and make things easier. It's amazing what a little bit of sleep can do.
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