Nitpick much? Our republic is founded on democratic principals, do I really have to explain that to you?
And you know what, I don't think we should brush off the denial of civil rights as simply "not getting their way", that is nothing short of hateful and absurd. I will say this, gay marriage will happen. Every other western nation has it, the U.S. will too soon enough. Amazingly, Canada, England and other EU nations did not fall apart when Gay Marriage was legalized. What a concept, huh? They still have churches, the country isn't in flames, and everyone is going about their business just as they did before but a few more people are happier and afforded the same rights and privileges as straight couples. So no, just as I wouldn't come to terms with women not being allowed to vote or segregated schools I won't just lay down and "come to terms" with oppression.
As one great man said; "An injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere".