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The Joker
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    They told me to call out at you :P
    Awww hun, I'm sure we'll be re-united again when we all meet in the big lawn in the sky. We'll stand by your side and mow with you hun <3

    RIP laz I'll miss you so much. My only regret is that you never got to mow my lawn. :(
    You are in big trouble... Get on skype. This has gone to the powers that be, yes Frank.
    The moderators can view private messages as well. I'm not here to be an arbiter. I don't want to see two opposing factions composed of my friends arguing nonsensically.
    You know the drill by now Laz, meet us behind the abandoned theme park now...
    Ats wants you to sign up for his story even though he closed the sign ups. You should be an assassin like my character is. He wants to make us a couple there too :lol:
    So now you are starting to become a ninja eh? :P I have to get up early too but you beat me to this :P
    Hey Laz :love: I moved your topic about the shooting to GENERAL DISCUSSION. There were already 3 dups made in this section. People didn't see you already created a topic in Entertainment. So I hope you agree
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