Halo 4? Wow I wouldn't have guess that. Since when can you level up in Halo?
Anyway, Planetside. It's some F2P FPS MMO (I <3 acronyms

). I took a gander at it after my buddy was into it, but he doesn't seem too thrilled by it anymore.
Apparently players take part in an ongoing war to capture territory for your faction. You can choose different classes of space soldier, purchase different weapons and gain experience to level up.
The virtual environments are kinda cool. I was in this sort of barren Mars-like area and every so often you'll encounter a futuristic looking scifi facility you or your team can capture for your faction ... just by being there if I understand it correctly.
Ultimately, however, it didn't really appeal to me. Oh, and there's vehicles too, but my buddy said they don't control very well and just told me to stay away from em