No other mod post there or at least not often. I let them count longer for a while. I ruined their party so often Oh you are right. Once you got the game in your hands it will call you to play it
No Prob, This is the game thread I've posted the most in. And this is the second win I've been a part of.
Its Just easy to get discouraged if mods post too often heh heh heh
Is it already college time for you then? Where do you wanna go? In your own state somewhere? Oh SS is a very fun game. I bet you will love it! School is indeed important and games can always be played through your life. Do you own the copy of SS already?
Very good! I have been away for a couple of months and then returned and posted a day or two and disappeared again for months but now I am already active for a month now A new record for me And what about you?