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  • Pen, there was a hammerz :>
    I'll get to it as soon as I can. Definitely today! ;) Sorry about the delay.
    So, I'm learning Norwegian. I may occasionally post random Norwegian sentences on your VMs because I have no one else to talk to. I realize you speak Swedish, but linguistically speaking (and politics aside), Swedish and Norwegian are just two different dialects of the same language... so you're as close as I'm going to get for the time being :P
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    Very interesting. Thanks for the info. Also, while I'm sure Danish sounds like unclear Swedish to you, it's really just the fact that Danish vowels and consonants (and perhaps grammatical patterns and vocabulary?) have evolved in a different direction.
    It's not that the Danish speak their language unclearly, it's that the way their language has evolved makes it sound like unclear Swedish. Evidently Norwegian hasn't undergone the specific changes that make it sound as unclear from the Swedish perspective. I’m sure the Danes probably view Swedish as unclear Danish, but they’d be equally mistaken.
    Unless the Danes culturally see Swedish as a superior dialect or something. In that case they may have linguistic insecurity about their own Danish dialects. But I have no idea. Just speaking from a general sociolinguistic point of view.
    What's up?
    Life is good. School is keeping me very busy, so I haven't had time to do everything I want to do here on the forums these past days. Just so you know, I haven't forgotten about your PM. I promise I'll reply to it as soon as I can. ;)
    *nods* I figured you were busy anyway. It's sad, though: it's 7 at night in California and I can't keep my eyes open.
    Hey Pendio, you got Pokémon x or y right?
    Oh yeah, mate! I'd love to have a Pokémon battle with you! I'm not all that into competitive battling in Pokémon, but I always enjoy a good battle with a friend. ^^ Btw, did you get banned? It looks like it... Well, I hope you'll be back soon! I'm looking forward to battling against you in Pokémon as soon as you return here again! :)
    But hey mate, I don't know for how long you'll be banned, so if you'd like to get in touch with me, you can always add me on Skype if you want. ^^ My username there is pendioz. Hopefully this message reaches you despite your current ban.
    But hey mate, I don't know for how long you'll be banned, so if you'd like to get in touch with me, you can always add me on Skype if you want. ^^ My username there is pendioz. Hopefully this message reaches you despite your current ban.
    Hey Pendio, what's up man?
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    Triforce King
    Triforce King
    You're welcome. Thanks. That's great! That's good, I'm sure Ari is excited as well. Ha, ha Well I hope you have a good time there^_^
    I'm sure we will have a great time! Thank you! :D

    I'm really digging your current avatar btw. ;)
    Triforce King
    Triforce King
    I sure you two will ;-). You're welcome. ^^

    What this old thing, I found the picture on another forum, and thank you^_^
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    Okarin has to be my favourite. In most fictional works the main character isn't my favourite character, but in Steins;Gate that really is the case. Anyway, I also love Kurisu and Suzuha. ^-^ What's your favourite character?
    Good picks! I don't think there's a character from Stein's;Gate that I don't like. I do, however, have a bit of a soft spot for Mayuri. What kept happening to her just brought on a lot of feels, you know? ;-; But man, all of them are so great! Did you watch sub or dub?
    Yeah, seeing her die over and over in a single episode was horrible!

    What I did when I started watching the anime was that I watched the first episode first dub and then sub, and then I decided to go with the dub through the whole thing. If I ever rewatch it though (which I definitely will sometime), I'm gonna go with the sub. :) Which one did you watch?
    Here you goI show you the video when Nintendo Treehouse was playing the game when I find it.
    Lookin' good. Tell me mate, exactly how excited are you for this game right now? :)
    Triforce King
    Triforce King
    Extremely excited:D! This game is the reason why I'm going to buy me a Wii U. So are you excited for this game too?
    That's a new avatar, what's a matter, got tired of Mikasa already:right:? Good morning Pendio:cool:
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    Triforce King
    Triforce King
    well that's understandable:). No I haven't, is it good? Thank you^^ Hovering you say?
    Steins;Gate is definitely one of my absolute favourite animes! It's a pretty little story about a man who tries to build a time machine. :)

    Oh, and I meant to write "hoovering", not "hovering". lol
    Triforce King
    Triforce King
    That's great^^ So its like Doctor Who?

    Oh, don't worry it happens to the best of us, especially me. lol
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