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  • Hey! Long time by chat. How are ya?
    I've been doing marvelously, thank you. I hope school is going well. And I have a question: what was that ship we used to have? I don't even remember anymore.
    School's alright! I'm excited to start my nest course! And oh you mean those two characters in that old RP? lol I vaguely recall.
    Haha. It was an LoZ RP, I know that. Lol.
    Happy New Years to you too, my friend!!! Only a few hours left of 2015 now. I hope you'll have an extraordinary 2016!!! :D
    Would you mind watching this short clip for me and tell me what the language situation is in this interview? It's a Swede and a Dane talking, and I'm wondering if they are both using just one language (either Swedish or Danish as an intermediary language) or if they are both speaking their own respective languages. I'm interested in the mutual intelligibility between Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish, so if you could shed some light on this it'd be much appreciated. :)

    They both speak their own languages. ^^ Personally I have a lot of trouble understanding Danish, but I know there are a lot of Swedes, especially in southern Sweden, who understand it easily. The Swede in this video sounded like he was from the Stockholm area though, so obviously there are people all over Sweden who can easily understand Danish.
    I am able to read Danish easily and if they talk slowly I can understand them, but just regular Danish speech is a little too much for me personally. I do find regular Norwegian speech easier than Danish though. :)
    Awesome. Thanks. :)
    Hey Pendio, how you doing?
    See, in the Swedish cities that I'm used to, places within a city are usually not very far apart simply because our cities aren't that huge area-wise. So I'm used to being able to just walk wherever I wanna go, and I like that a lot. It was nice though. ^^
    Triforce King
    Triforce King
    Oh, cool:). Haha, Yeah, they all are like that in a way, even my own city is kind of big, but I can't speak for all of them since I only been to two other cities for a college bound field trip from my sophomore year in high school. Hmm, Sweden sounds like a very convenient place to live, I can see why you like it there:).
    Triforce King
    Triforce King
    It would be nice to travel to other countries, but all well. Well you get use to it in a while. That's good, I hope you enjoy your next visit^^
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    Spiritual Mask Salesman
    Spiritual Mask Salesman
    Thanks for the tips. Yeah that was something I did have issues with coming in, I wasn't sure how to play. I think by now I've got an idea of how I like to play but I'm sure I'll only get better with the more games I play.
    Yeah, definitely! Experience is what will make you improve the most. And seeing as everybody has their own unique play style it can sometimes be hard to give too specific tips on how you "should" be playing.
    Spiritual Mask Salesman
    Spiritual Mask Salesman
    Yeah. Lol, I'm actually in a tough spot in the game I'm currently in.
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