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  • Because I didn't really think about it when I joined the site, but I should have done that yes. So, now it has been changed it so that I am 'Din'. :)
    The Reason why I'm talking about Zelda 3 A link to the past is because it was a very good zelda game overall and after the Ocarina of Time when they (nintendo) were moving on to the Wind Waker the story line did not make a whole lot of scence to me. In addition, Ganon was starting to not be in any of the future Zelda games which are already out.
    The reason why i asked was because nintendo is not making a good story line to the zelda franchise
    I'm so Sorry, I don' t know what you mean by sprite games, Please don't think I'm stupid
    Hey Viper,
    Why do you think nintendo's not going back to the roots of A Link to the Past?
    Hey Myriadviper42,
    I'm Dragon08Master and I just found out that you were vistiting my profile. You want to chat, because I want to have a conversation about LOZ of the future and past. Oh, and I just got my profile today so this is new to me.
    You mean the quoting? Well, you just select multiple quotes from the person's post you wanna reply, then selecat reply with quote with the last person you wanna quote and you should be able to.
    thanks for the friend request, but im awfully soory, cuz the group is full and you cant join...maybe later...
    I do like your avatar. It is pretty cool. Is that Dark Link? It is a bit small, so it is hard to see, but that is what it looks like to me.
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