"Bokoblins, Moblins, and Stals surrounded Link and Marth, along with (Fire Emblem minion)s and even Ganon. The pair sliced, kicked, fought with the ferocity of a pair of lions, but the monsters were closing in. Then, with a mighty yell, the two glowed, the sign of a Final Smash. However, this Final Smash was… different, in every possible way. With a war cry that rattled the heavens, Link plunged the Master Sword into the ground, twisted it, and pulled it out, the blade now as large as a house. With a fierce gleam in his eye, Link spun the sword around him, launching the monsters and Ganon into the air. Marth, at the same time, swept his sword to the side, jumped on par with the now air-born baddies, and dashed through them, slicing them to pieces, landing critical hits everywhere. After Marth obliterated the minions, Link leapt into the air with a Final surge of strength, and, as one, they unsheathed their swords, spun, and struck Ganon, sending him hurtling to the floor, where he landed with an earth-shattering CRASH!! and dissolved into a purple mist."