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  • I am leaving the Nintendo Player's of America social group to you. Please take care of it.
    I am leaving the Nintendo player's of America socila group to you. Please take care of it.
    I am not gonna tell you cuz I don't remember.
    So... stop leaving pointless VMs or else
    What do I have to do with that?I have no patience for random users who don't say anything interesting, so, you either leave interesting VMs or don't. If it's just to leave things that I don't care about, forget it.
    I also have a Wii and a DS, so mutha****in what?
    Thank you kindly for the welcome (: I'm cool with the rules and I promise I'll try to stay outta trouble :P
    Can i ask you why you are so obsessed with Lucario?
    I mean he is a good pokemon, but he's not THAT great, in the actuall pokemon game that is.
    Thanks. He's taking his time to reply :P .
    Wow, ask Mases a question and get an answer from some random. :P Anyway, that fits me then, being a ZW admin and ZI Staff/Bomber. I'll wait for the official response from Mases though.
    The epic picture lives on... :D

    I got a new pic for Lucario. I'll put it in my avatar.
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