Rishian Dec 30, 2011 Thanks for sending us a PodCast segment! As for my friend code, I'll have to hit you up when I have my 3DS handy.. LOL!
Thanks for sending us a PodCast segment! As for my friend code, I'll have to hit you up when I have my 3DS handy.. LOL!
Din Akera Dec 11, 2011 that's fine. It can be used in the future. My 3DS is not with me right now, otherwise I would give you my friend code.
that's fine. It can be used in the future. My 3DS is not with me right now, otherwise I would give you my friend code.
Rishian Nov 30, 2011 Nope. Haven't played yet at all. Of course thats partly because I've been so busy teaching, but Din did promise I'd get to try it this weekend...
Nope. Haven't played yet at all. Of course thats partly because I've been so busy teaching, but Din did promise I'd get to try it this weekend...
Meego Nov 30, 2011 Hey. Yep, been playing it. But not overly so because my brother hogs the Wii. I'm somewhere in Eldin though.
Hey. Yep, been playing it. But not overly so because my brother hogs the Wii. I'm somewhere in Eldin though.
Raindrop14 Nov 29, 2011 Forgot that I need to go to your profile to respond!:S I'm in school. It's going pretty well, except I hate Geometry. What kind of math do you have?
Forgot that I need to go to your profile to respond!:S I'm in school. It's going pretty well, except I hate Geometry. What kind of math do you have?
Din Akera Nov 29, 2011 No, we actually haven't really had time to play it anymore yet. I got SS for both of us (one copy).
Raindrop14 Nov 28, 2011 Maybe you could write them down, turn them into a story and put them on ZD.^^ I'd love to read your stuff and hear your ideas.^^
Maybe you could write them down, turn them into a story and put them on ZD.^^ I'd love to read your stuff and hear your ideas.^^
Raindrop14 Nov 28, 2011 Oh it's splended. I've got a bad bit of writers block but it feels like it's going away. Do you write?
Oh it's splended. I've got a bad bit of writers block but it feels like it's going away. Do you write?
Ronin Nov 28, 2011 Wow...noplace near there... xD I'm too busy exploring all over to speed through anything.