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  • Your MD post made me think of Unicron from Transformers. A childish comparison but a plausible one nonetheless.

    You wrote a nice fan fictions...:)

    Look like you're a hardcore gamer... I also a hardcore gamer, and i already post my gaming history in your thread...
    Crusader of Centy is a great game. I feel nostalgic every time I re-play that game. Beside this game, my other favorite game for genesis is Land Stalker.
    Thanks for your Friend Request... Crusader of Centy is my favorite childhood game...
    Hey Kalinka_Shadows, I have not chatted with you in a while. You should check out my newest thread. It's about Link having a voice. I interviewed someone, and they told me very something interesting.
    :facepalm: Send me your story through visitor messages. And the Shoutbox works just fine for me. I'm just not going to be on there 24/7.
    I think I'm good. I don't have internet problems. Besides, you can VM your story to me.
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