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  • Oh, I figured as such, since you would put in edits with a * in front of them after noticing an error in your message...but now you know so, that ought to come in handy, hmmm?
    *Twists the screw in his head* Long song, but it's pretty good...anyways, I'm a little bit mad but if I have no reason to not do something that won't do any harm then I figure I might as well do it--and accepting your friend request wasn't gonna do harm so I did it, you're welcome though.

    Oh, also, you can edit messages on Skype...just right click.
    Heh, guess you found the Doctor with he screw in his head, huh...I'll admit I have a few screws loose though, hahah. But realistically speaking thanks for the friend request, imagine it would happen eventually...listening to Through the Fire and the Flames now o,o
    You should definitely pick up Oracle of Seasons again. A Link to the Past just takes some practice, too. I had at least seven save files on assorted cartridges before I ended up beating it.
    Two days in and having acquainted yourself with the forums and various Skype chats, what are your opinions regarding this site?
    Sorry for taking so long to reply. Thanks for responding to my blog entry. :)

    I've been doing fine, part of the T.G.I.F. culture. You?
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