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  • Yeah, just had to edit in some character descriptions, which is easy enough as I know where each and every Protagonist appears within the Story line .
    Eh, Shoutbox when active and Ghostbox when not, kind of sorts through these phases several times a day...but anyways, I'll likely have some fun with Mario Kart when I can.
    Hmmm, well that's certainly good then, glad to hear it. I'm alright myself, planning on getting a new copy of Mario Kart Wii later today, partially because I want to and partially because my sister wanted to play online against me--all for fun though, hahah. Oh, figuring out how to use the SB is simple, just type whatever you want to say and click enter...you can also use the emoticons and choose whichever font you want in there. Right now the SB is rather empty though...or as I call it, a "Ghostbox". You know, like a Ghost Town o,o But realistically speaking others tend to call it a Ghostbox as well now, or a Dead Box--it varies from person to person.
    So, how are doing today, Jenn...I can imagine that you'll be accessing the SB soon, just 7 posts away.
    That's good to hear...my night was alright, just ate pizza while walking around in a reaper robe with a Battle Axe--no toys for me though, I had a real Axe because fun, hahah.
    Hahaha c: I buy packs of it like every Friday. Such healthy eating habits! :lol:
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