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Farore's Chosen
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  • That's great to hear, I'm glad you enjoyed the game. Yeah nobody really gets everything during their first playthough, although I must ask did you have trouble with Majora without the Fierce Dieties Mask? Honestly I haven't been playing the game a lot, I'm still in Stone Tower. Anyway Fierce Dieties Mask isn't to hard to get, all you have to do is get rid of all your masks by playing with the moon children. Once you have no masks the kid wearing Majora's Mask gives you the fierce dieties mask.
    Dear Farore's Chosen I hereby inform you of your wrongness. Now stop picking on these poor bear-men and using them as rugs then blaming other people! Try thanking them for being manly and even stroking their furry chests, you might even like it...
    Most things I appreciate I would consider to be "timeless". I think we all desire to be immortal, for me it's a life goal.
    At the end of the day despite what others say I think that MM3D is probably your only shot at playing MM from what you've told me in the past. I say don't back out on it now. Yeah sure there are a few different things, but from what I've heard the orginal game and plot have been untampered, the only difference will be the improved graphics. I think you should try MM3D, but its really up to you to decide. Also you must remember when OoT3D was close to being released it was getting a lot of heat also, now people look back at it as a good remake. At the end of the day don't be influenced by the majority, use your gut feeling. People are gonna bash the game, but In another two months the bashing will die down and those people who complained will like it in the end.
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