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  • I don't have any to do now.
    I'm having the statewide testing thing on Tuesday where it's math story problems, though, so wish me luck.=D I guess the main reason I have issues with story problems is mainly because of my lack of being able to define what sort of problem they are and if I'm supposed to multiply, add, divide, etc. It gets confusing, too.
    I guess that's sorta like me and story problems in math. I've just never gotten the knack of them.
    Heh, for good reason. Zelda Dungeon is a pretty safe site, but I've had some interesting encounters online myself that weren't the greatest. You just have to be careful, though.
    Ah, yeah. I understand. :P
    I'm sure it gets annoying when people randomly add you.
    I know what you mean. Too much of anything can be a detriment to us, but we must also keep a consistent source of some things, such as strength and confidence, so that we don't waver in harsh times. Yet strength and confidence can also be a deadly pair--and come out in the heat of an argument as pride, so be aware of the things that come to mind then.

    You're opinion is true, and unfortunately contrary to majority of mankind. We have the mindset that since we bought an item, used it, earned it, or came to own it otherwise that it is therefore ours and we are typically reluctant to share our possession(s) with others.
    None of us really are weak; in this case it's all a matter of self-depreciation, at least in my view. We doubt our own strength and confidence, and therefore lack in both. But it always helps to remind ourselves that we have nothing to doubt or fear, because the greatest force in the universe is on our side.

    But I won't dwell too much on that subject. I at least have to acknowledge you for allowing me to use the verse. Personally, I thought you should mind because it might appear I was stealing the right to it, as if stealing it for myself. It's sad that this has to be a mentality amongst us. But thanks for permitting me to use it.
    I finally sent a PM, but apparently it was way too long, so it's been broken into three pieces. We may have to start e-mailing if our PMs get overly long.
    You have the greatest sig on here...by that, I mean the verse. I would've taken it for myself, but thankfully I saw it before I did put it in my own. :) That's my favorite verse ever, because it constantly reminds me that I can overcome anything, but only if I trust in the One who gives me the strength and courage to pull through.
    OMG you are a genius! You solved the Ark's puzzle...

    Curse you!!! Ive been trying for at least 30 min... T-T
    Do you know any good tutorial? I ve seen some and Destiny has given me some tips, but Im lost, very lost...

    I cannot even cut, and add brushes
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