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  • WW was a really good game. It was easy (like TP) but the storyline was great and the world was large. I really enjoyed it. Its for GameCube, but you can also use a Wii if you have a GC controller.
    Hmm I didn't know their killing methods were different. Thank you for that information:).

    Well, if you played WW and enjoyed that then PH is a good choice. ST was VERY different. It was still a good game and I recommend giving that one a try, but it is very different than the other games. I like PH better but ST was good too.
    Aren't a cheetah's spots just dots whereas leopard spots are in kind of a ring shape? I know you can tell the difference between a leopard and a jaguar by looking at the spots. Jaguars have a dot inside the "ring" and leopards don't.

    Wow MM is definitely my favorite too! TP was easier than most of the other zelda games. PH was easier than TP though. The boss battles in TP were a lot easier than the ones in most other games also.
    TP rocked! The addition of the wolf form was really unique and I really enjoyed it.
    My wolf was 98% timberwolf and 2% Alaskan malamute. She was wicked looking:-).
    Cheetahs are really cool. Wolves are my favorite animal. I really like tigers and leopards too.
    Thank you very much:-). So I see you're into wolves? I used to have a wolf as a pet. She was black with yellow eyes.
    Well they can be, just depends on the type of problem.

    Touche. yea, only a future robot could possibly do that, but for now, if we want one, we have to cook it ourselves. OOH I just found out I'm having homemade Pizza tonight!
    It can very usful. Except our Brains are smarter then a computer( for some of us) and we can solve problems before the computer does. yea, especially when it involves cooking an egg.
    Ether or. yea. Yea, like how to make a sandwich in a new way. well if you already know it , then relearning is just refreshing your memory.:P
    oh no reason, just thought it would be nice to be friends with you, just in case you know some stuff about zelda that I don't know.( like the DS games)
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