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  • Of course!
    And actually, it turns out my freinds parents wouldn't let her join anyway. But we already have five people, so we'll start tonight.
    Intervue you? Do you mean...like an interview?
    Sure why not, its been a while since I last spoke to you :p
    After another person joins, I'm gonna wait one day for anyone else to join, then we'll start. I called my freind Katie and she said she's gonna join Zelda Dungeon, then join that, so... We'll probably start tomorrow.
    Youtube isnt really bad. There's a flagging system and regular checks. No nudity...etc. And if they belive something won't be suitable for younger viewers, there's a warning beforehand.
    Computer viruses. Now twice as powerful! D:

    Meyh. >_< I'm sure you'll find something to do. How bout going on youtube and looking at random shtuffs? :P

    Have you played LA, if not we have no idea about the game, and how we are going to divide...same or with the games we know...

    In fact thats what I did...

    Yesterday 3DS, today DS...
    Gotta make all I can this weekend, PM what you got, and I will PM you what I got...to check and have an idea of how it is better (I mean my way or your way..)

    EDIT: Make the letters Verdana and size 12 that is ZD standard
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