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  • Oh, and good news... finally.
    My grade on my U.S. history test was a 199/200.

    For my essay I got a 50/50 for both of them. I missed a few questions on the multiple choice, but I had 9 points extra credit to help boost my grade. :)

    I started feeling really good, but now I'm in my Spanish class, and I'm back to being depressed. :(

    Santa is sitting behind me on the couch reading a newspaper. :P
    I hate when I get sunburned. Luckily I didn't get sunburnt during the summer, but I guess that's because I was inside most of the time.

    Yeah, it was pretty awesome. And it felt amazing today. The weather felt cold, well, not cold, but chilly. I guess a chillin' person like me likes chilly weather.
    The clouds were cool to look at too. When I was going to my 7:00 class, it was really dark out, and since the clouds engulfed the whole sky, it seemed like it was midnight.
    Then when I went to my 3rd class, the clouds sort of looked silver. They were gray and white which made them look pretty cool.

    Right now they are gray, and just gray. I like it better this way.
    About your question on my post, Collossal Fighter does indeed aquire power from both graveyards. I am pleased to see a fellow Yugioh fan on this site, maybe we can duel sometime on Dueling Network.
    That's good.

    Oh, and it's still raining now. I don't know if it stopped raining at night when I was asleep, but it rained all yesterday from when I woke up to when I went to bed.
    I just wish Winter would come.

    Where my Grandma lives, it was 45 degrees in the morning. And the high for her today was like 65.
    I wish the weather would start getting colder.
    I don't think I have ever 100% a game, well, at least not a Zelda game.

    There have been other games I have completed 100% like Metal Gear Solid. That was a fun game I might play after Majora's Mask.
    I have been playing Majora's Mask all day, and it's been so awesome because it has also been raining all day.
    And when I mean raining all day, I really mean ALL day. I don't think it has stopped raining yet from early in the morning to now.
    And it was really cool when it was the second day on Majora's Mask, because that's when it rains in the game, so it felt like I was in the game.
    Eh, I have decided I'm not going to do a 100% run.
    The heart pieces are so annoying to collects, and it's making me enjoy the game less collecting them all. So I'm just going to beat the game now.

    This is how much hearts I have right now, so yeah, I still have a lot of heart pieces to collect so I'm not going to do it.

    Oh, and I drank Chateau Romani for the first time in this game I guess. Because when you drink it, your magic meter turns blue and it's unlimited, and I don't remember that ever happening to me, so I guess I have never drunk it before.
    Oh, I believe I saw that, I thought it was a good idea, but I have been posting a lot for RPs other than here or Age of War, like a paragraph.
    Yeah, I agree but I honestly don't like RPing like what pizzavato and biggreenhawk do . I always keep writing like about 4 or more sentences.
    Hey, guess what.

    I just did the last Temple, and collected all of the fairies without looking at a guide once. :D
    I was so excited when I got that last fairy, and I was also relieved cause that meant I could leave that Temple and never come back to it. (Hopefully there isn't a heart piece in there. I don't think there is because I got all of the chests I think. I really hope there's none in there.)

    Hopefully I'll be able to do a 100% run without looking at a guide, because so far, it's looking good.
    The masks are the easy and fun part, it's just the heart pieces I might have trouble with. I know where a good amount of them are, but I think I might have to look at a guide for some of them.
    Yeah, the Fairy's Sword is pretty useless, but it's one of the things I need to get for a 100% run.

    It's alright, at least you tried.
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