Ice Sage Oct 10, 2011 Hmm... tough choice... I would have to say OoT. MM was really great, but OoT was my first zelda game and I find it to just be a little better.
Hmm... tough choice... I would have to say OoT. MM was really great, but OoT was my first zelda game and I find it to just be a little better.
Ice Sage Oct 10, 2011 Welcome to the group. Anything you want to talk about now that we started a conversation?
Ice Sage Oct 10, 2011 Hello there donkey kony, you are a brony? Would you like to join the pony group?
bubblecrash Sep 17, 2011 either 2 or 10 from the classic series. both have great music and gameplay. i can barely play a game if it has terrible music
either 2 or 10 from the classic series. both have great music and gameplay. i can barely play a game if it has terrible music
dazzsheil Sep 3, 2011 Thanks for doing so! Really appriciate it! So far though Im only Lvl4 Lvl3 Lvl4 <3,I really want to make it to the end so i can get the :triforce: of courage
Thanks for doing so! Really appriciate it! So far though Im only Lvl4 Lvl3 Lvl4 <3,I really want to make it to the end so i can get the :triforce: of courage
Zeldawolfsheik Aug 18, 2011 Sorry, it was kind of weird.Here I'll make it up to you. <3 You got a heart container!
Zeldawolfsheik Aug 15, 2011 Zelda is the best! Agreed! Is the Handheld LttP better or worse than the console?