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  • Hi Djinn! I used to be a member here on ZD, but that was back in 2013. I used to go by as "Kate" or "Katelynn". Perhaps GoddessofWisdomWater rings a bell? idk anyway I was hoping you could message me my old credentials, like my password or even email as I've also been doing a lot of reminiscing today and it'd be cool to see what I used to be like before I became inactive. I'm sure you might have a problem like with security etc but I can assure you it's me, but if it makes it easier I'm willing to answer questions about things I used to do or things I took part in.

    Thanks for your time!
    Yea I remember you from a few years ago, the old irc days.

    I can email the password, but is [email protected] still a valid email?
    nope, I moved accounts pretty much everywhere to forget how cringy I was LMAO

    if you could message me at [email protected] that'd be fantastic thank you!!
    Made by Jazware Retro Toys. You can find him on ebay. They made Proto Man, Elec Man, Shadow, Guts and Mega. They were sposed to make Cut Man and Ice Man but never did. :(
    Robokids has come out with classic Mega Man toys. They're chibi-fied but very cute. I'm definitely getting Fire Man!
    Farore's Chosen
    Farore's Chosen
    I don't know why they stick to MM1. I would love to have a Snake Man or Heat Man or Wave Man.
    Farore's Chosen
    Farore's Chosen
    I own an Elec Man and Shadow Man from some other toy company.
    Never seen a Shadow Man before, Although I think a mini Air Man was released once. Always thought he was the least interesting MM2 boss.
    Hey Djinn old buddy. Can you change my name to Philosophies About Bok Choy if time permits? I already love you but if you do this, I'll love you even more.
    Deleted member 14134
    The only way you can beat a monster is to become a monster yourself.
    he's banned, that's pretty beat
    Deleted member 14134
    Thanks babe
    Hey, ban this account; I'm an alt. Thanks.
    Hi, sorry to bother you but I've been invited by my friend Sasha Blouse to a discussion thingy, and I can't comment etc. as I apparently don't have enough privileges? How many do I need and how do I acquire them? Any info would be fantastic, thanks!
    I am pretty sure it is related to the postcount to prevent bots or random people from immediately joining and spamming.
    Okey dokey, so just get to a decent amount of threads posted? (or is it comments etc?) sorry I feel very thick for asking...
    On "What's The Story Behind Your Username?" it says I have insufficient privileges to reply. How do I get privileges to reply?
    That is because the thread is in the one of the member groups in the Groups section. To comment on them you would need to join the group first. The Link to the section is wedged between World of Pokemon and General Discussion, or here http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/social-categories/groups.130/ You have to join each group to post in them. Some of them are private or invite only so you might not get into them all.
    alright thanx :)
    Hello, my boyfriend just joined the website about 2 hours ago and he says that it won't let him post anything or even like anything. when I try looking him up it says "this members page is unavaulable" his name is Lionheart. is there something he can do to fix this or does he have to wait 24 hours to do anything?
    I just checked and it says he is currently awaiting email confirmation.

    Did he not receive the automatic email?
    he says he got it and approved of it, I'll double check with him once he wakes up.
    So have you heard anything fron Kira about the Article?
    Actually I still have not heard anything back from her. No idea what is going on at this point.
    Spiritual Mask Salesman
    Spiritual Mask Salesman
    Oh, well it's finished now atleast. Batman looked over it and told me other than a few misspelled words it looks ready to be given over to frontpage people to add pictures and whatnot.
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