Omega Fury Oct 28, 2011 Achhhh. I thought it was like 8 in the morning in Wales. I was going to talk to you but i guess later.
Achhhh. I thought it was like 8 in the morning in Wales. I was going to talk to you but i guess later.
Omega Fury Oct 28, 2011 Hello. Is it morning over there right now? It's the middle of the night over here.
rpk5000 Oct 28, 2011 Well I finally made it to the boss battle with kaptain k. rool now its time to end this.
rpk5000 Oct 28, 2011 You sir must be a beast to do tgat on your first try. Also epic music plays during his second form.
rpk5000 Oct 28, 2011 The boss you're thinking of is lava pirahna. The first time I fought him I kept on dying.
Azure Sage Oct 28, 2011 I have a spanish project and a history project, both due on monday. So I'm gonna be really busy this weekend. :silent:
I have a spanish project and a history project, both due on monday. So I'm gonna be really busy this weekend. :silent:
rpk5000 Oct 28, 2011 He was easy but compared to that giant cloud huff n' puff oh god was that boss annoying.
rpk5000 Oct 27, 2011 Yeah I know it sure is true. By the way do u remember what chapter you were on in paper mario?