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  • Really?! Wow.
    Actually I kinda don't believe there's a time line for Zelda. I think Nintendo just made the game for the pure enjoyment of challenges and solving riddles. They just so happened to include hints and tips that referred back to previous Zelda games. Fans just started coming up with theories to satisfy their own want of a timeline. Though there are timelines out there that are quite fascinating. I think the best timeline theory I've heard of is the split timeline one. There might be a whole bunch of 'em actually, but that kind is my favourite for some reason. What about you?
    I'm not a regular fan or anything. My friend has a 3DS and showed it to me. I played a bit and that character in your sig was my favourite character.

    I'm sure if i had the game, i would play it and become a fan.
    accepted the friend request without a single second of hesitation! :)
    Dude, the avatar is the smaller of the two images. The big image goes into your signature like this:
    The WCC doesn't really happen any more. The due date was September 10th so yeah it's a little late xD Thanks anyway~
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