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  • Well, perhaps not greatest exactly, but New Years is bound to become more important and eventful when you find someone to share it with...and while you may not be very social, I'm still sure you'll find someone good someday, no doubt about it :3
    It's alright. The hours are fine... looking to get into the LP field. I might do some classes for computer sciences. How about you?
    Hmmm, guess I hear ya, I was up until 4 AM talking with my girl here on ZD...she called it a night around that time and after watching stuff on Netflix for an hour I called it a night myself. But anyways, I'm sure that someday New Years will be one of the greatest things ever for ya, only a matter of time.
    Oh really? xD I had to work New Years Eve, but not day. I went out and saw my parents yesterday. It was rather nice. ^^ I told my sister to pass along a hello to the people at the Foods.
    Some Chibi Tales characters avatar that someone made on tumblr for Christmas :

    anise's makeover parlour

    Choose the one you like. ^^
    Yes, I'm a fan. I can't consider myself being a huge fan because I have only 2 games, but I really like the series. I've finished Tales of destiny and Tales of the Abyss, I'm almost done with Eternia. My favorite character is Leon and my favorite game is Abyss.
    Awww, that's too bad, but I understand nonetheless...Sarah isn't gonna be going to work until 5 PM so if you may finish lunch before then and are interested just ask ^^
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