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  • 7 days to go until my birthday hooooray.(i'm gonna continue this countdown everyday until then)
    customers we have been expiriencing technical difficulties with our free telepathy egg please do not worry only 4 people received a detanator
    hello everybody happy easter i have bought everybody an easter egg. to receive it close your eyes and say EGGY EGGY EGGY and it should appear (stocks may last)
    hey everybody im back lets celebrate! i thought that i would never get back after my local library blocked zd but now i have the internet and i can go on zd all the time
    Well, if you look at her conversation with Inflexus on her profile, you'll see something a little strange. So Inflexus wanted Stella to tell her parents about the two of them and she got in trouble. So she can't come to ZD any more. Not until she turns 18. That's what she told me yesterday.
    Just what Hylian Hobbit said, follow the rules. I didn't and I got banned from this site.
    me too, didn't like it.
    The reason I joined was because I was banned from this site and I was bored.
    Mases was the person that suggested it.
    I dont hate it,but zeldaunverse is better,way better developed also
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