I know what you mean, TP's Hyrule Field was the most...grand one yet. I mean, it's beautiful and really gives that epic vibe. Skyward Sword in contrast...well, there's not much of an epic vibe to speak of. One of exploration perhaps, but not epic. The only problem is that TP's Field was barren. There ARE enemies and there ARE things to do, but they few and far between. If TP had more enemies and stronger ones at that, not to mention two levels of difficulty, I wouldn't hesitate to put it above SS.
And about the first Zelda game thing, I completely understand that. My first Zelda was Ocarina of Time way back in 1998 when it released, I just can't say that any game is better than it. It isn't a nostalgia thing, it's a...well, it's just a "it's better because it is" thing. Can't really explain it all that well lol