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Game Thread Who stole my pet moose? - Canadians Mafia

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Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
~ Day 1 Final Vote Count ~
  • LittleGumball (1) - A Link In Time
  • AussieEevee (1) - Spiritual Mask Salesman
  • funnier6 (1) - AussieEevee
  • DekuNut (1) - Stormageden747
  • Spiritual Mask Salesman (5) - LittleGumball, funnier6, The Sun Fan, Morbid Minish, Hero of Time
  • Moe the Moblin (1) - DekuNut
  • No Lynch (1) - ZinnLav
  • Not Voting - Moe the Moblin, Doc
With 13 alive, 7 votes are required for a majority lynch. Otherwise Day 1 will end Tuesday, April 16, at 2:30PM MT (day has ended).

NOTE: Because it's day 1, I will let it slide that some players failed to meet the quota for the day. Starting Day 2, however, this rule will be strictly enforced.

I am very sorry guys, but the day has ended. It is time for someone to leave the house forever.

"The day's suspect has been chosen" someone said. "We would like to get rid of @Spiritual Mask Salesman today, he's been acting awfully suspicious".

"Spiritual Mask Salesman, eh?" I said. "Well, let me take a look at him. Hmm. Yes, I can see how you reached that conclusion. Young, manipulative. Behind this pretty face must live a strong talent for lies and deceit."

"You are making a big mistake," said Spiritual Mask Salesman, calmly lighting up a joint as he spoke. "Peoplekind will fail without me, I am the best thing to happen to this country. Don't you know me? Don't you know who my dad was? I run this country!"

"And you're doing a bang up job of it," I said sarcastically. "Anyway, the vote has been set. You must leave this house."

And at these words, Spiritual Mask Salesman was - lightly and so it wouldn't physically harm him - thrown out of the igloo. I dialled 911 and a mountie came swiftly by one a horse. Everybody watched as they carried him away. A quick call to the police station an hour later helped us determine that he was, in fact, guilty. But he had not been working alone. This search was far from over.

Tired after a long day, everybody had some Canadian Bacon and milk out of a bag and called it a night. The first day was a success, but could that momentum continue? Only time will tell!

Spiritual Mask Salesman was Justin Trudeau, the Sexy Beefcake Prime Minister.

is it just me or does he kinda look like Matthew McConaughey?


People I like (12)
  1. @funnier6
  2. @DekuNut
  3. @Stormageden747
  4. @Moe the Moblin
  5. @ZinnLav
  6. @Doc
  7. @HeroOfTime
  8. @Morbid Minish
  9. @The Sun Fan
  10. @A Link In Time
  11. @AussieEevee
  12. @LittleGumball
People I don't like (1)
  1. Spiritual Mask Salesman - Justin Trudeau, the Sexy Beefcake Prime Minister (unviolently removed from the house and arrested Day 1)

Night 1 begins!

Night 1 will end Wednesday, April 17, 2019, at 4:30PM MT. This means those with active night actions have 24 hours to send me their action.

Trudeau? More like Tru-DON'T hahahahaha xDDDDDDD rawr

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Good morning everyone! I hope you all slept well despite it being very cold outside. Winter seems to be hitting us hard this spring.

I must say, I am both happy and also rather disappointed to see twelve of you still here. I was hoping somebody would be gone so I would be one step closer to finding out exactly who was involved in the capture of my dear pet moose, but alas, here we are.

In fact, I am surprised to see this place relatively clean, I was expecting chaos. Aside from this mess of Timbits on the floor and the snow that fell through the open window, my igloo is spotless. Well done everyone!

However, now that the night is out, it is time to get talking again. Just like yesterday, I want reports from everyone in the form of votes on who you think is the culprit. But this time, anybody who tries to quietly slip by will be treated with instant suspicion from me.

People I Like (12)
  1. @funnier6
  2. @DekuNut
  3. @Stormageden747
  4. @Moe the Moblin
  5. @ZinnLav
  6. @Doc
  7. @Hero of Time
  8. @Morbid Minish
  9. @The Sun Fan
  10. @A Link In Time
  11. @AussieEevee
  12. @LittleGumball
People I don't like (1)
  1. Spiritual Mask Salesman - Justin Trudeau, the Sexy Beefcake Prime Minister (unviolently removed from the house and arrested Day 1)

Day 2 Begins!

With 12 people alive, 7 votes are required for a majority lynch. Otherwise, Day 2 will end Friday April 19, 2019, at 4:30PM MT (48 1/2 hours from now).


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
first: some quotes that i've got quoted from day 1 that i didn't get a chance to respond to. (they are mostly memes) (i put the memey ones in a spoiler)
But if Hero is Tristan and we're looking for his moose...then who is Tristan?? :eek:

If no lynch has the most votes do we actually no lynch? :suspicious: I don’t think it’s ever happened before.
i'm pretty sure it's happened in the past???? probably during my earlier days here. i can recall supporting a no lynch for some reason or another but i don't remember when.
I am very sorry guys, but the day has ended. It is time for someone to leave the house forever.
dO wE sEe ThEm ToMoRrOw?????
Anyways, I'm trying not to use name claims as reason unless it's shown later that we have reason to suspect certain characters. Since I do feel as though they may be misleading.
i'm feeling this as well. if we're allowed to name claim then imo they probably don't mean much.

skimmed day 1 and i got a couple things to say:
Vote: TheScumFan

Where's that moose, eh?


Are you serious? @Tristan Would you let us get away with mass claiming?
could've been a random shot in the dark, or voting a scumbud. after all, he did unvote the second someone mentioned claiming. however, judging by sunfan's timing and reasoning on his SMS vote i don't think it was a bus. I feel pretty decent about sunfan at the moment.
Vote: AussieEevee

@AussieEevee Hey, the game started!
this was his other vote before he started voting to save himself. again, it has the potential to indicate a scumbud. for the time being, this is where I'm placing my vote.
You’re wrong!
***** no i wasn't lmfao
out of all people he chose funnier to turn on, and funnier wasn't even voting for him in the quoted post. interesting, but not vote worthy just yet imo.

here's the final vote count for whoever was voting for SMS:
Spiritual Mask Salesman (5) - LittleGumball, funnier6, The Sun Fan, Morbid Minish, Hero of Time
out of all the people voting, if i had to choose someone who looked the worst it'd be funnier but i don't really suspect him right now. his vote was stated as more of a survival thing, but imo if it was truly a survival thing he would've voted for someone who already had other votes on them. SMS didn't have any.

also while checking back apparently i wasn't the first one to vote sms it was funnier lmao nice. i thought i spearheaded the lynch but i didn't

Vote: AussieEevee

did i capitalize it correctly this time :bubsy:

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
naturally I scum read funnier and he's town
I am more or less going to lock him in here lul, good push on SMS

I wish I had not forgotten about the game, I think SMS' vote on Eevee is most likely to bear fruit but also do not necessarily think we need to be looking at SMS' interactions to find scum
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