Shortly after E3, a fan gave us a look at what Zelda U could look like at night, assuming the game has a day and night cycle (which is a fair assumption). Another fan recently decided to take a crack at it, and I simply am not sure which version I like better, nor which is more likely to be what the game actually looks like. Either way, it is absolutely gorgeous. I think it is fair to say that once Hyrule Warriors comes out, we’ll all be pressing for something new for Zelda U – even if it’s just a short 30 second trailer. As far as we can tell, the above image was created by a user at IGN.

For comparison’s sake, here is the first attempt by a user from Reddit:

Beyond that, here is one more all new look at the possibility in video form, with custom affects and all that added:

Now the question is… which version do you like best?

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