Majora’s Mask is arguably the darkest Zelda game; the fact you only have three days to stop the destruction of Termina, the moon looming overhead, and the ominous atmosphere provided by the game attest to that. All of that dark energy is heard tenfold in the song Clock Town Final Hours, which throws all three of the details described in the first sentence into one creepy tune. It’s the final day, and in just a few short hours, Termina will cease to exist. That is the context going into the song and even without it, it’s such a depressing sounding piece.

If you have never heard the song before, you may feel that description actually describes a heavy metal song, as many would be described in such a way. However, as the original is quite far from being labeled as “Heavy Metal,” it isn’t an accurate comparison to draw…or is it?

YouTuber TheOnlyDeerAlive created this rock version of the Majora’s Mask song last week, and it captures the atmosphere of the original song perfectly despite being of a different style. The minute and a half intro is slow and moving, and it’s very good build up to the heavy electric guitar and drums entering the song. Once that happens, the song picks up, and the dark buildup from the intro transfers over to the main part of the song, which adds to mood while providing catharsis. It’s definitely a fantastic rendition and is worth a listen.

Do you feel this cover of Final Hours carries the same weight as the original version, despite being of a different style? Let us know in the comments!

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