A few weeks ago the folks at Dorkly conducted a poll to rate the top ten greatest Zelda games of all time. After getting nearly 200,00 votes they have finally posted the results of that poll in an article titled “10 Greatest Zelda Games in History”. They ave separated it into two parts, first there is a simple image lineup of all the games displaying them in order. Then there is the much more detailed article giving a brief description of each entry and discussing why they are within their ranking counting from last to the first.

Jump inside to check it out for yourself.

The Legend of Zelda is one of the greatest series in videogame history, with nearly every game being a classic in its own right. So, mostly just to get the internet really upset about something, we asked you to vote for your favorite Zelda game of all time. And after nearly 200,000 votes (you can see the full results here), you (well, a bunch of people who voted, which may or may not include you) have decided the top 10 games in the Legend of Zelda series, which has done pretty well for a series starring a kid who never speaks and doesn’t even have his name in the title. So take a break from trying to figure out how the new Link to the Past game will affect the Zelda Timeline and read about the top 10 Zelda games of all-time.

you can read the complete article with detailed description here.

The very first thing I noticed here was the inclusion of Four Swords. I always liked that game but I would never have considered seeing it on anyone’s top 10 greatest. That was an interesting surprise. The rest of it was not much of a surprise to me at all. Of course it was a little up in the air between A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time for the top spot. I would have chosen Link to the Past myself as I have always preferred that game. However to a generation of fans Ocarina of Time was their first entry to the series so it is not surprising.

Source: Dorkly

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