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There have been a number of glitches and bugs discovered in Zelda games over the years, with many causing some really strange outcomes for players. YouTube series Did You Know Gaming? recently released an episode examining many such Zelda glitches, providing insight into how these glitches work and how players have exploited them for amazing results. Hosted by YouTube glitch expert A+Start, the episode looks at several Zelda glitches used for speedrunning and more.

A+Start, known for the YouTube series Son of a Glitch, explains noteworthy glitches seen in games like Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, The Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess. Many of the glitches seen in the video — such as Wrong Warping, the Infinite Sword Glitch, Bomb Hovering, and the Wind Waker Dive — are extremely important in the world of Zelda speedrunning, contributing to the current Any% world records in each respective game.

Whatever your opinion is on Zelda speedrunning and glitches, it is definitely interesting to see the outrageous results of breaking games in these ways. Seeing Link bomb himself into the air or swim backwards at high speeds is always cool to see. As a fan of speedrunning, I thought the explanations provided in the video served as a great basis for the exploits used by Zelda speedrunners.

What did you think of the video? Would you like to try any of these glitches yourself? Let us know in the comments!

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