For most of the Zelda series, Link is defined by his classic green tunic, cap, and blonde hair. Only a few games have deviated from the iconic look or given players other outfits, including The Wind Waker and Breath of the Wild, but A Link To The Past is an example of a character design change necessitated by graphical limitations that I really enjoy.

Due to the pixels and game’s color palette, Nintendo changed Link’s hair in-game from his classic blonde to pink so it wouldn’t blend in with his skin. Amusingly, when Link is a bunny in the Dark World, his fur is also pink. In A Link To The Past‘s official artwork, Link is sporting the usual blonde hair, but I actually really like the pink hair. Graphical limitations or not, it’s a unique touch that helps him stand out. Later games have given Link different blonde shades and even brown, so I’d love to see the pink hair come back in full force.

What do you think? Do you think Link should have pink hair once again in another Zelda game? Let us know in the comments!

Feature art by u/Bernlord

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