Nintendo just released New Pokémon Snap, and the game is selling like crazy. Some reports have its early sales outpacing blockbuster games like Sony’s Returnal. While I recognize that not everything needs to be converted to a Zelda game (Okay, can we have too many Zelda games though?), I really believe a Zelda Snap game would be a must have for the Nintendo Switch. Before you roll your eyes, I have to point out that something similar already exists in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild the Hyrule Compendium.

By using the Camera Rune, players can snap pictures of all living creatures in Hyrule, slowly added to the botanical and zoological knowledge of the kingdom. Completing the Hyrule Compendium is a relaxing but challenging task that takes players through deserts and over mountains, offering hours of additional gameplay beyond the mainline story. Why not lean into that concept and create an entirely separate game?

Imagine the possibilities! Take a ride on the Divine Beasts, snapping shots of the various plants and creatures germaine to the ecosystems of the great machines. Better yet, ride along with Zelda atop one of Hyrule’s beautiful horses, across the Great Plateau or through the jungles of the Faron Region, getting a more intimate experience of Hyrule’s biomes. The overworld from Breath of the Wild provides an ideal canvas for a game; but why stop there?

Zelda Snap game could also span timeline splits and even art styles from the series’ storied history. Imagine taking a ride on a Loftwing (Yes, I realize there’s no Sheikah Slate then, but Nintendo could find a solution), soaring in the blue skies of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and capturing the less evolved ancestors of Hyrule’s greatest creatures. How about the Picto Box from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker? The possibilities for capturing the perfect artistic shot seem endless.

Tell us what you think! Would you play a Zelda Snap game? Share your reactions in the comments below.

Source: Christopher Dring

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