Daily Debate: Would You Buy a Zelda Series Collection, and How Much Would You Pay For It?
Posted on August 30 2018 by Rod Lloyd
I like to think that I have some degree of self control, but every biannual Steam sale and every big Humble Bundle seems to be a huge temptation for the binge gamer that lives within me. When I see every game in a given series for sale at a reasonable price, I can barely stop myself from dumping the contents of my wallet right then and there. And I’m easily enticed by fancy series collections put out by big developers, such as the Halo: The Master Chief Collection and the upcoming Spyro Reignited Trilogy.
The culture of collections and bundles is a popular one these days, but it’s also one that the Legend of Zelda series has not dabbled in very often. The Legend of Zelda: Collector’s Edition for the GameCube, which included Zelda I, Zelda II, Ocarina of Time, and Majora’s Mask on one disk, was one of the few instances of a full-on Zelda collection. So with more and more publishers packaging multiple games from a given series in one standalone product in recent years, is it time for Nintendo to do the same with The Legend of Zelda?
What games would you even include in a Zelda series collection? Would you package all of the 3D Zelda titles (sans Breath of the Wild perhaps) together for a release on the Switch? Would you collect all of the top-down games for a release on the 3DS? Or heck, would you just put every Zelda game ever into one collection? Personally, I think it would be reasonable for Nintendo to collect every main series Zelda game up to Twilight Princess into one shiny package. Sure, we’d be missing Skyward Sword, A Link Between Worlds, Tri Force Heroes, and Breath of the Wild, but those games are still readily available enough to stand on their own.
And how much would you spend on such a collection? It’s reasonable to believe that a bundle containing multiple classic games would cost more than $60, the standard price for a new game. Is $100 too high? Is $150 too high? How many Zelda games would need to be collected into one release to justify a price tag that steep? There are plenty of questions to consider in discussing this hypothetical Zelda series collection.
Share your thoughts and considerations with us on the topic. Would you buy a Zelda series collection if Nintendo released one? What games would get you spend the money? And how much money would you be willing to spend? Join the debate in the comments below!
Rod Lloyd is the Editor-In-Chief at Zelda Dungeon, overseeing the news and feature content for the site. Rod is considered the veteran of the writing team, having started writing for Zelda Informer in 2014 as a Junior Editor. After ZD and ZI officially merged in 2017, he stepped into the Managing Editor role and has helped steer the ship ever since. He stepped up to lead the writing team as Editor-In-Chief in 2023.
You can reach Rod at: rod.lloyd@zeldadungeon.net