Okay, so,

Meta Knight’s reveal this morning makes this one a good bit less likely. Still, there might be a slight chance of it happening if Sakurai’s aiming for a huge push in hype, and I already had this debate all written up, so…what the heck, we’ll go with it anyway.

Hyrule Warriors launches tomorrow (actually, given the time difference, it’s already available in Japan), and for weeks now many people have speculated that Sakurai will celebrate the launch by announcing Ganondorf’s return to the Super Smash Bros. series. There’s definitely some basis for this idea—several veterans have been revealed at times that coincided with the release of a new game in their series. Olimar, Dedede, Diddy… With Link, Toon Link, Zelda, and Sheik already confirmed, only one veteran fighter remains to be announced alongside our new Hyrulean adventure, and that’s the Dark Lord himself.

So let’s get some opinions from you guys: will tomorrow’s Pic of the Day, or perhaps Friday’s, feature Ganondorf’s return? Furthermore, how do you expect him to play—will he still be a Captain Falcon clone, or will he finally have his own moveset? And, most importantly of all, will Sakurai make us

unwitting prophets by giving Ganondorf his Hyrule Warriors look?

Personally, I’ve never put much stock in this theory—and not because I don’t think Sakurai

could do it. Rather, I expect Ganondorf to be one of the secret characters, as he was in Brawl, and therefore I don’t expect him to be revealed at all pre-launch. He’ll definitely still be in the game (and yes, I still expect him to still be a CF clone, unfortunately), but I don’t think we’ll see him until we unlock him for ourselves in the game.

That’s my stance; let us know yours in the comments! And check back with us tomorrow to see who was right and who was wrong!

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