
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker was shown at E3 2001, almost every person in the event was disappointed; people were expecting a mature Zelda similar to the one in the graphics demo. But instead of realistic graphics, Nintendo gave us cell shaded graphics and, therefore, the game was hated because it looked “childish” and “immature” and despite it’s extremely high review scores, many people complained about it. While this is understandable, it didn’t quite deserve all the hate it gets. Ironically, it is now considered a masterpiece and one of the best games in history, but it had a really rough start. Skyward Sword was released and many people complained about its motion controls, tiny world, linearity, etc. Even the DS games are largely viewed as subpar Zelda titles, and, of course, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is mostly ignored by a big part of the fanbase.

In my opinion,

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks was a really unappreciated Zelda game. Maybe it’s not the best game out there, but the soundtrack, story, characters, and the world in it felt amazing. Then again, many critics did not feel the same way, nor do many fans. Nonetheless, fans tend to have at least on game in the series that they love while others love to hate it. So the question remains: which Zelda game least deserves the hate it gets, and why? Join the Daily Debate!

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