After beating a game, the player typically feels triumphant and overjoyed that they completed the title. At the same time, there is the realization that you as a player are now finished with the game in question (barring future DLC). After playing other games for some time, you may feel like its time to go back for another round. Perhaps it’s time to play the game you once had beaten over again, and re-live those fun memories of gameplay. I’ve done that with Zelda games before, and I know a lot of other fans have as well. The question I’m proposing here is this: Which Zelda game do you find can be replayed the easiest?

It might seem like a trivial inquiry at first, but there’s merit in this question. Some Zelda fans I’ve spoken with say they have finished a Zelda game, and went back into it immediately afterwards with the full intentions of beating it again. I felt the same regarding A Link Between Worlds, a game I love very dearly. However, the same can’t be said (for me) about The Minish Cap.

What’s your answer to the question? Which Zelda game made you want to go back and play it again right away the most? Let us know in the comments.

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